When I was new to RPing on the Episode forums there had been holidays for the rp/sg section that even sometimes included events. Eventually they were completely forgotten as many of the RPers that had been around longer went inactive. Recently I went back and found the slides with the holidays. Here.
I was thinking, why not create a new set of holidays now that we are actively a community on the ShanniiWrites forums.
Let’s all decide on some holidays we won’t forget and make this place our own.
The holidays can be days to appreciate certain things about RPing. Once we have some holidays and dates set then when each holiday approaches a thread can be made to celebrate that holiday.
Using a couple of the holidays from on the Episode forums for examples: (and you can find descriptions of them in the slides I linked.)
Dead Rp day: A day where a thread would be made to appreciate the now dead rps/sgs. RPers could talk about things they miss and it could even lead to the revamp of an rp.
Character day: This holiday is to celebrate the characters that have been made, which is when the “Who’s Post is it Anyway” RP would start. In that RP everyone could bring in characters from any rp. A location for the RP to take place would be voted on in the New Ideas Thread, and once it were to start all anyone would have to do is label what rp their character was from and they could rp. Characters from the same or different rps could interact.
Forumer day: this one is to celebrate the RPers themselves. It is likely where an rp would start where instead of making characters, everyone rps as themselves.
There should be a holiday for the creators chat by @cuteswede if anyone can find when that started. It marks the time we started making our own original worlds.