Roleplay idea that I wish I could do but can't

So I have no experince in the roleplay scene so I can’t put this into fruiton just yet but:

Most people die and go to either heaven or hell, but if you pass on with unresolved feelings; you go to “The Hades Hotel” where souls go after they die and are given 30 days to find closure (or overcome thier “Hang-ups” as they call them) or they will become staff where they will work for all eternity. There are two roles pc’s can have:

Souls: Basically dead people who at the beginning of the RP are given thirty days to move on or else.

Staff: Souls who failed to move on and work as staff (but there work lives are full of drama)

Each session counts as one day.

-No heavy topics unless given permisson by the op (and even then I’ll be making sure you put a content warning)
-Sex can be implied but not shown (and it is always consensual)

  • You can’t just get over your hangup , something has to happen/be done for your chracter to get over thier unresolved feelings

  • No interfering with the outside world , you move on with personal growth not by changing the living world. You can move on by doing things in the hotel or help others move on , but you can’t - say, kill the guy you have a grudge over.

  • No mary sue’s and I’ll allow a-holes if
    a: They grow into a better person
    b: they don’t win in the end

Examples of hangups

examples of good (albeit a bit cliché ) Hang-ups:
“I can’t move on after I lost the love of my life”
“How can I move on when that b^stard still walks the earth”
“I don’t deserve to move on, It was my fault the accident happened”
" My life was meaningless , I have to go back" (a-la soul)

Examples of bad hangups (while comedic , then can be solved too quickly)
“I can’t move on until had a beef wellington”
“I can’t move on until I figure out how my favorite book ends!”
Things like “I can’t move on until I paint my masterpiece” Is kind of cheesy and doesn’t involve growth. However, If you can make it work I’ll consider it.


Positive Traits : (at least 4)
Negative Traits: (at least 4)
Job(If they are staff):

I’d love to make this someday , but I don’t know much about playing in a roleplay , let of alone be in charge of one.


Wow! This is such a cool idea! You should definitely do ittt

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Oh boy. Hate to say it, but triggering topics, here you go.

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Well…I could Rp as my dead twin…hahahahahahaha…

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You can have heavy topics as long as they are treated with respect and given a cw beforehand

Moved tis to the #role-plays-and-games:chat and added a couple tags
Highkey if you were wanting to do this idea tho, you could post tis on le New Ideas Thread and attach a poll to see how many people would vibe


That’s a cool idea, and I’m gonna go ahead and say what Chid basically said and post this idea on the New Ideas Thread. That way, you can also make a poll to look for RP co-owner/s to guide you if you want!

And if you come to the decision to give this idea to someone else, or just see who’s interested in making this idea and you can cooperate with but you can’t post it on the New Ideas thread too, I suggest going to this thread. It’s not busy there but I believe there are still some people who want to do this!

This is so cool, omg-
Someone should do this-