RP Character Question Thread - Ivan & Callie

This week, the question thread will feature two characters from the Fairytaled RP! The characters for this week’s question thread are, Ivan Rabbit and Callie Charming!

Both of these characters were made by @Venus so feel free to tag her with questions for her characters.

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Then join the group tag and ask at least 2 questions this week.

@RPQuestions @FTDFam you may be interested in learning more about these characters


To Both Characters:
What’s your favorite color?
Do you have any pets?
Are you new to the school or have you been there before?

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Both characters:
What’s your favourite dessert?
What’s your favourite music genre?

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1. What’s your favorite color?
Ivan - “Hmm, I’d have to say black, grey, white, or pink. Those are also my favorite colors to wear, though I mostly wear black.”
Callie - “Ooh! My favorite color is gold! Though I also love blue. Third favorite would be light pink.”

2. Do you have any pets?
Ivan - “No, my lifestyle is definitely not suited for a pet.”
Callie - “No, but I’m thinking about getting one!! I love animals!!”

3. Are you new to the school, or have you been there before?
Ivan - “This is my first year.”
Callie - “This is my second year attending Once Upon a High!”

4. What’s your favorite dessert?
Ivan - “That’s hard-I really like everything. Maybe those tiny deserts they serve at balls and galas?”
Callie - “Oooh! Definitely petite cakes, or maybe a smoothie if that counts!”

5. What’s your favorite music genre?
Ivan - “Probably rap.”
Callie - “Pop!”


To Both Characters:
Who is your fairytale parent?
Have you met your roommate yet?

To Callie:
What kind of pet are you thinking about getting?
How was the last school year?

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For both:

What does your perfect day look like?
What does your normal day look like?

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6. Who is your fairytale parent?
Ivan - “My dad is the white rabbit. Though I’ve told everyone I’ve met so far he’s the Beast from Beauty & The Beast. For…reasons.”
Callie - “My Mom is Cinderella, and my Dad is King Charming!”

7. Have you met your roommate yet?
Ivan - “No, but I’d like to.”
Callie - “No, not yet. But I can’t wait!”

8. What kind of pet are you thinking about getting?
Callie - “I’ve always wanted a puppy-though I also want something super unique… Maybe I’ll get a horse, though I already have a few back at my castle.”

9. How was the last school year?
Callie - “It was…nice? I made a lot of friends and did well…though I didn’t get everything I wanted.”

10. What does your perfect day look like?
[hiii queen]
Ivan - “My perfect day would be spent in Wonderland with my family…or really anywhere with my family. Maybe Aidene could be there too.”
Callie - “Oh! My perfect day? I’d wake up on time, do my hair and makeup, and put on a really cute outfit. Then I’d go on a superromantic date with the perfect guy! And maybe hang out with my friends too. It’d definitely include a latte and fruit salad as well.”

11. What does your normal day look like?
Ivan - “I wake up early and get dressed. Then, I eat breakfast and go to lessons. Usually I’m quite tired by the end of the day. When I’m on missions, my schedule could be literally anything-I just have to go with it. I’m not sure what a normal day at Once Upon a High entails yet.”
Callie - “Hm… usually I take a shower, then do my hair and makeup. If it’s a school day, I show up early and go to classes. If not, my day would probably include shopping or going out with my friends.”

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Question for Callie

  1. How does it feel to be a princess?
  2. Out of curiosity- does your mom have servants in your estate? You know… seeing as she was one for years idk
  3. Can you talk to animals too or was that just a mom thing?
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  • worst habit?
  • guilty pleasure?
  • do you sing in the shower?
  • hot or cold showers?
  • do you talk to yourself in the mirror?
  • do you sing into your hairbrush?
  • what’s your favorite song?
  • what song do you know all the lyrics to but wish you didn’t?
  • what video lives in your head, rent-free?
  • do you talk in your sleep?
  • how do you sleep?
  • what’s your last search history?
  • who do you have a crush on?
  • (Ivan) what do you think of Meredith’s daughter?
  • (Ivan) who is the m o s t annoying person you have met?
  • (Ivan) If you could would you live on an island in isolation?
  • (Ivan) Who is the most likely person to flay you alive?
  • (Callie) W H Y are you obsessed with not being a virgin anymore?
  • (Callie) What do you think of Cara?
  • (Callie) who do you hATE the most?
  • (Callie) who are your friends. Like… real friends
  • most illegal thing done

𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤?
𝔽𝕒𝕧𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕠𝕕?



  1. You guys should talk to one of my characters because they’re amazing
    1. Do you play any sports?
  2. Do you play any instruments?
  3. If you could donate a million dollars to any charity, what cause would you choose?
  4. Do you have any hidden talents?
  5. What school subject is your favorite?
  6. What school subject is your least favorite?
  7. What are you most excited about this year?
  8. What song or album could you listen to on repeat?
  9. If you could live in one fictional universe, which one would you choose?
  10. Name one cool feature you would add to your dream house.
  11. Describe a time you laughed so hard you thought you would cry, or when you did cry. What was so funny?
  12. If you could have your own TV show, what would it be about?
  13. What is one thing you want older generations to know about teenagers today?
  14. What is your favorite memory with your best friend? (Your best friend can be an animal!)
  15. What is the best dish you can cook?

(im gonna go reply now)

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12. How does it feel to be a princess?
Callie - “It’s the best! I’m very fortunate to be a princess, especially a Charming one. I’m very proud of my title and heritage.”

13. Out of curiosity-does your mom have servants in your estate? You know…seeing as she was one for years idk
Callie - “Yes, we do have servants in our castle! I actually have a friend and servant at this school with me, her name is Duchess!”

14. Can you talk to animals too or was that just a mom thing?
Callie - “Well… I can’t always hear what they’re saying, but animals are naturally drawn to me!”

15. Worst habit?
Ivan - “Impulsiveness, Lying.”
Callie - “Forgetting to take off my makeup before I go to bed, or forgetting not everyone has had the same experiences as me.”

16. Guilty pleasure?
Ivan - “Fast food. Aidene
Callie - “Frozen yogurt, shopping.”

17. Do you sing in the shower?
Ivan - “Yes No.”
Callie - “Of course!”

18. Hot or cold showers?
Ivan - “Hot, when available.”
Callie - “Hmm, medium-cold, so many benefits!”

19. Do you talk to yourself in the mirror?
Ivan - “Yes No.”
Callie - “Sometimes! I also sing to myself in the mirror now and then!”

20. Do you sing into your hairbrush?
Ivan - “Nah, I wouldn’t do that.”
Callie - “Of course, what else would I sing into?”

21. What’s your favorite song?
[i couldn’t really think of their favorite songs, so i just chose songs that they might like / fit their character]
Ivan - “Remember the Name, Detention.”
Callie - “Teenage Dream, Teen Idle.”

22. What song do you know all the lyrics to but wish you didn’t?
Ivan - “I don’t really have anything for this… maybe a really sappy pop song Ava showed me.”
Callie - “Hmm… anything with too many curse words!”

23. What video lives in your head, rent-free?
Ivan - “Hmm… maybe videos of wonderland?”
Callie - “Oooh! There’s this video of a new ball gown collection-I’m dying to buy every piece!”

24. Do you talk in your sleep?
Ivan - “Sometimes…”
Callie - “Hmm, I don’t think so! No one’s ever told me I do, at least! I hope not…”

25. How do you sleep?
[when you lie to meeee all that fear and all that pressure]
Ivan - “Usually, I don’t sleep very well or very much.”
Callie - “I always make sure to get the right amount of sleep!”

26. What’s your last search history?
Ivan - “Hacky Instagram Stuff I can’t remember.”
Callie - “Just doing some online shopping!”

27. Who do you have a crush on?
Ivan - “Aidene I’m not interested in having a crush at this time (or ever).”
Callie - “I have to admit, Kace is definitely really awesome, despite the mixed signals. And I think he likes me too, so…”

28. What do you think of Merida’s daughter?
Ivan - “She seems nice…though I’m sure she has some secrets somewhere…”

29. Who is the most annoying person you’ve ever met?
Ivan - “Martinez.”

30. If you could, would you live on an island in isolation?
Ivan - “Hmm… probably not. That would decrease my chance of ever seeing Dad & Clay even more. I’d probably get lonely, too.”

31. Who is the most likely person to flay you alive?
[looks up what flay means]
Ivan - “Probably Martinez… or maybe someone I’ve dealt with in the past.”

32. W H Y are you obsessed with not being a virgin anymore?
Callie - “What?! Who told you I’m a virgin?! I’m not!”… “Alright, you caught me. I’m not obsessed, though, you’re definitely wrong about that! Just wants to be accepted and feel loved by someone oof

33. What do you think of Cara?
Callie - “She’s an amazing friend-one of the closest! But sometimes I don’t know if my best friend should really be a villain’s daughter-or non royal at that.”

34. Who do you HATE the most?
Callie - “I try not to hold hate for anyone! But I think the person I dislike the most would be Lora from my old school.”

35. Who are your friends. Like…real friends?
Callie - “I would definitely call Cara and Kellan my real friends!”

36. Most illegal thing done?
Ivan - “Probably murder or torture tbh You’re not going to turn me in if I tell you? I don’t believe that.”
Callie - “I would never commit a crime!”

37. Who are your parents?
[this is a repeat question but i answer it anyways yeet]
Ivan - “The White Rabbit Beauty & The Beast”
Callie - “Queen Cinderella & King Charming!”

38. Favorite food?
Ivan - “Fast food!”
Callie - “Smoothies, frappuchinos, and acai bowls!”

39. You guys should talk to one of my characters because they’re amazing
Ivan - “I’m down for that.”
Callie - “Characters? What do you mean? I’m always open for new friends, though!”

40. Do you play any sports?
Ivan - “No, but I’m definitely athletic.”
Callie - “No, but I’d love to try out for cheer this year!”

41. Do you play any instruments?
Ivan - “I can play the french horn!.”
Callie - “I can play the piano! Want to hear?”

42. If you could donate a million dollars to any charity, what cause would you choose?
Ivan - “'Either to help bring an end to human trafficking or to help children with terminal illnesses.”
Callie - “That’s a very hard question! Maybe to help the homeless or to help end poverty.”

43. Do you have any hidden talents?
Ivan - “Nope. All of my many talents are on full display.”
Callie - “Hmm… No! Secretly very good at magic.”

44. What school subject is your favorite?
Ivan - "Writing and Storytelling. I don’t really like school.
Callie - “Wow, that’s so hard! Maybe Manner & Chivalry?”

45. What school subject is your least favorite?
Ivan - “Mathematics. Not because I’m bad at it, though.”
Callie - “Perhaps Mathematics, it can get boring!”

46. What are you most excited about this year?
Ivan - “Being free and having an actual high school experience.”
Callie - "Getting a boyfriend!!~~

47. What song or album could you listen to on repeat?
[i am so bad at this kinda question sorry]
Ivan - “Maybe just a workout/rap playlist.”
Callie - “Harry Styles - Fine Line.”

48. If you could live in one fictional universe, which one would you choose?
Ivan - “Don’t I already live in one? Wonderland for sure.”
Callie - “Hmm… I like the way I live now!”

49. Name one cool feature you would add to your dream home.
Ivan - “An amusement park or a gym.”
Callie - “A HUGE closet and salon!”

50. Describe a time you laughed so hard you thought you would cry, or when you did cry. What was so funny?
Ivan - “It’s been a long time…I can’t remember.”
Callie - “Probably when Kellan or Cara told me a good joke or I watched a funny video? I try not to laugh too crazily…it’s a bit improper?”

51.If you could have your own TV show, what would it be about?
Ivan - “It would probably be action themed, with some comedy.”
Callie - “Definitely fashion-modeling themed!”

52. What is one thing you want older generations to know about teenagers today?
Ivan - “That we struggle too, sometimes more than them.”
Callie - “What we dressed and looked like!”

53. What is your favorite memory with your best friend?
Ivan - “Writing and telling stories.”
Callie - “Summer break!!”

54. What is the best dish you can cook?
Ivan - “Er… I don’t cook much. Maybe soup?”
Callie - “Hm… I prefer baking or using fresh ingredients.”

@skyler2 @Ouijaloveletters @benitz786 @katabasis
sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged jdkssll



:smiley: :hocho:

Oohhh girl








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It’s probably WAP tbhhHH



She’s so wrong :smiley:




:smiley: RIGHT

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  1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

  2. What type of music are you into?

  3. What was the best vacation you ever took and why?

  4. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?

  5. What are your hobbies?

  6. What was your favorite age growing up?

  7. Was the last thing you read?

  8. Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?

  9. What’s your favorite ice cream topping?

  10. What was the last TV show you binge-watched?

  11. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music?

  12. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?

  13. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  14. Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching at home?

  15. What’s your favorite sleeping position?

  16. In the summer, would you rather go to the beach or go camping?

  17. What’s your favorite quote from a TV show/movie/book?

  18. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?

  19. What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?

  20. Do you have any pet peeves?

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Hiii hellooo

  1. Who do you wish to become your roommate?
  2. Light Magic or Dark Magic?
  3. What’s the farthest you’ve done for something stupid?
  4. What do you think of Headmaster Grimm?
  5. What do you expect to happen during this school year?
  6. What’s it like from your home?
  7. What would your life be like without going to OUH?
  8. Which schoolmate (not necessarily someone you met) intrigues you the most?
  9. What do you look forward to this school year?
  10. Which student left you the worst impression ever?
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  1. What’s something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do?
  2. What thing from childhood do you still enjoy to this day?
  3. What do you wish you understood better?
  4. What is something that will instantly annoy you?
  5. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you like to be?

Who’s your favorite singer?
Whats your favorite snack?
What’s your favorite emoji?
What advice do you think a younger version of yourself needed to hear?
What’s your greatest accomplishment as of now?
What’s your favorite subject in school?
What’s your least favorite subject in school?
Can you speak any languages other than English?
What song would you say best sums you up?
Favorite quote?
Favorite thing about yourself?
Favorite thing about your life?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
What was the last book you read?
Any weird and unreasonable fears?
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
On a scale of 1-10 how smart would you say you are?
On a scale of 1-10 how creative would you say you are?
Top 3 places on your bucket list?
What in your life are you most Grateful for?
If you could have lunch with one person (any person, dead or alive) who would it be?
What’s the first thing you’d save if your house caught fire?
Ideal coffee order?
If you could have a song play every time you enter a room, what would it be?
Do you believe in god?
And astrology?
What about heaven and hell?
Do you have any tattoos? Would you ever want to get a tattoo? If yes, what would it be?
List the top 3 qualities that you think are important in a partner?
Do you have a “type”? If you do, what is your “type”?
Do you support blm?
Did you ever consider going vegan?
Do you like hugs?
Kisses- tongue or no tongue?
Favorite childhood movie?
What are some of your favorite names?
Overall do you like living in beryl?
Do you think she actually cheated on him?
Have you ever cheated on a partner?
Have you ever been cheated on?
When was the last time you lied?
What’s the most important quality in a person?

To Both:
What’s your biggest fear?
Who do you trust the most?
What nicknames do people have for you that you hate?
Who is your best friend?
What family member are you closest to?
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Who knows you better than anybody else does?