RP Character Questions Thread - Candice, Daniel, & Jordan

Daniel Parker:
I think you’re asking the wrong question… the question should be who’s going to have the distinct pleasure of going to prom with me. So I’m going to refrain from answering.

Valerie Wood… just the thought of that makes me want to … hold up while I go hurl (@CerealKiller)

Completly ludicrous. I asked for a refund and do you know what the cheerleaders told me? No. THE HAD THE AUDACITY to say no. It’s fine though, I broke Emma, Sara, Sofia, Abby, and Hanna up with their boyfriends by showing them what the guys have been up to behind their backs. So, yeah, Karma’s a bish and sometimes staying in the dark is bliss so they should have given me my money back if they wanted that.

Favorites? If I had to pick I guess Delilah, Elodie, and Mareena would be tied for first place. Delilah because she always knows how to keep things interesting and Elodie and Mareena because there like family to me at this point. And honestly… at this point I hate all the guys at that school so I don’t really have a favorite. Actually… scratch that. I saw Jordan re-enrolled so he will be my favorite soon enough.

Do we really have time for me to tell you everyone I hate? Because at this point they’re all tied for most awful. I guess if I had to pick. Number 1 for female is Jezebel Sloane, surprise surprise. And number 1 for male… right now it’s a tie between Lyonrad who will always have a special place in my heart for most hated and Mikel who just shot up there.
