RP Character Questions Thread - Candice, Daniel, & Jordan

Sorry for the flood of questions… I copy pasted a lot of them from other Blue Royalty character threads…
To all three

  • How have you prepared for your senior year?
  • What are your plans for after graduating high school?
  • What is the meaning of your name?
  • What or who would you sacrifice your life for?
  • What single event has had the biggest impact on who you are?
  • What characteristic do you most admire in others?
  • What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?
  • What is your best childhood memory?
  • What would be the one thing you’d be willing to give up just to be loved?
  • What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?
  • What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn’t true?
  • When was the last time you felt really insecure about the parts of yourself you pretend don’t exist?
  • What accusation would you defend yourself most fiercely against, even though you know it’s true?
  • What is one thing people always get wrong about you?

To Candice & Daniel Jordan lucks out of these since he hasn’t been there

  • Who in the senior class do you see as your biggest threat towards becoming Blue Royalty?
  • What about your biggest ally?
  • How important is becoming Blue Royalty to you?
  • Why do you want to be Blue Royalty?
  • Is there any line you won’t cross to become Blue Royalty?
  • Do you think you will successfully become Blue Royalty?
  • Would your plans change whether or not you join the Blue Royalty?
  • Who of your classmates is the most attractive?
  • What about least attractive?

To Candice:

  • How do you feel about not being chosen for the first list of Blue Bloods?

To Daniel:

  • How do you feel about not being chosen for the second list of Blue Bloods?

To Jordan:

  • When you arrive at Cerulean high for the remainder of Senior year, will you try to become Blue Royalty?
  • Have you told any of your old classmates that you’ll be back for the rest of senior year?

Hahaha! Love Jordan.


Candice Clarke:
Gardening? I’ve never really tried it but it sounds fun so I’d be willing to give it a shot!

Not particularly - it’s a nice color though!

I’ve always loved Dandelions - but I think technically they’re a weed.

I think every animal, human or not, has the capacity of at least some feeling - so yes, pigeons have feelings.

A place of endless possibilities.

Daniel Parker:
Me? Touching dirt? God no.

It’s just another colour on the spectrum that our eyes can perceive. No.

What’s up with these plant questions. None - plants suck and are just an invitation for bugs.

I’d answer this question, but I just don’t care. Pigeons aren’t as intelligent as human beings so what does it matter?

The sky is everything that lies above the surface of the Earth, though, informally it refers to the perspective from the Earth’s surface of what is above us.

Jordan WIlliams:
I love it. I usually have plants wherever I’m staying just because they bring life to a home. But I haven’t had time for real gardening in a long time.

I think the colour green represents an aspect of living and honestly that’s probably why it’s my favorite color.

Orchids are beautiful so those would probably be my favorite!

Without a doubt, yes.

A place where birds fly!


I’m loving Candice.


Candice Clarke:
Um… see’s her mother in the corner Yeah… you know it wasn’t the best feeling but does that matter since I was on the second, more recent one?

Daniel Parker:
That was straight up highway robbery. But trust me - I made sure that everyone in the school knew better than to take points off of me next time around so I’ll be on that list quicker than you can say “Blue Blood Royalty”

Jordan Williams:
No - Like I said before, I personally don’t respect what the game stands for and the side of people that it brings out so I won’t be participating in it at all. If anything; I’ll avoid everything that has to do with Blue Royalty.

And to answer your second question - no, I have not told anyone that I’m considering returning to Cerulean High for the remainder of senior year… I’m still thinking about it myself. But I did get a text from Daniel and I’m guessing he saw my enrollment form so I do believe he knows.


To Daniel:
As we all know, you looked into who took points away from you, but did you also look into who gave points to you?


Candice Clarke:

I don’t know if I could really say I ‘prepared’ - I just got through it like everyone else, I guess.

I um…I’ve been very lucky that my mother has set up a 10-year modeling contract with an agency the moment I graduate highschool.

I think it means “sparkling queen” but I think the last time I searched it up was for a project when I was in elementary school so it’s been a while.

Um… I’m not comfortable answering that question. I’m sorry.

Daniel Parker:
Well, every blue royalty who has ever gotton on the list since freshman year has used my services in one way or another - so I guess you can say I’ve wracked up some favors from students, faculty, and even a few people that aren’t even in the vicinity of my school.

Going to an Ivy league and getting a degree - which in all honesty I probably don’t need since I’m a certified genius. But hey - school can be fun when you have the right connections.

Don’t see how that matters - I make my own fate. My “name” has nothing to do with that.

No one - I’ve recently realized that you should only look out for yourself.

Jordan Williams:
Since I left sophomore year, I won’t lie - I have kind of neglected school… I guess having a full-time job will do that to you. But I recently got back into it when I have time and took a test to skip Sophmore and junior year so I can possibly complete my degree at Cerulean High.

Probably doing what I am now; but I did hear about a great school of the arts in england so I may go check that out depending on where life takes me.

I… honestly have no idea!

Laughs I… probably a lot of people. I never really had a family so my friends became my family and so I guess you could say I’d sacrifice my life for any of them.


So. Many. Questions.

Candice Clarke:
I guess… My parent’s divorce and my mother getting custody of me when I was 7. I can’t even begin to imagine how my life would have turned out if I grew up with my dad.


I’ve always really wanted to learn how to dance since I have so many great friends who are professionals at it. There’s definitely a difference in casual dancing and professional dancing and It would be a fun skill to pick up.

Daniel Parker:
I guess you could say someone I trusted broke my trust and that’s the reason I am who I am today.


Hacking into Fort Knox and getting away with it would be fun. I may actually try after this interview.

Jordan Williams:
Maybe the opportunity to audition and later work for The 55 - which is the backup dancing group that I first worked for before I had the opportunity to branch out and choreograph on my own.

The ability to laugh at themselves.

I’ve actually really have wanted to learn how to play the kalimba for a few years - I just never have had the chance. I guess it’s just my love of music that is pushing me towards that though!


I know… and I’m sorry… I’ll run out of large amounts of questions. Then it’ll be just a couple at a time.

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No worries ahahah - It’s just gonna take some time for me to get through them and I’ll do them in blocks!!

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Candice Clarke:
I have this distinct memory when I was little, my dad pulled me out of school pretending I was sick just to end up getting ice cream without my mother’s permission. It’s been a long time - but that rocky road ice cream and the fact that we spent the rest of the day at the beach was the best.

I don’t… I don’t really know. I don’t even know if I’ve ever been in love and I guess you have to know that before you can answer this question.

That I have my life together perfectly.

I think sometimes people assume that I’m lonely adn I guess… at times it’s true.

Daniel Parker:

Nope - I’m not answering this question. Nice try though

Nothing. Love is weakness.

The things that people assume about me are usually true so I don’t know what you want me to say.

I love myself so I don’t know why I would wish something wasn’t true.

Jordan Williams:
I don’t… know if this is a memory or just a wishful dream but I remember a moment when I was really little and I was running outside and my mom was chasing me and laughing. If anything… I hope it’s real.

Anything. Everything… And I’d give up everything to make sure they stay safe too. I guess maybe I already have. But that’s a story for another time.

That I know what I’m doing? It may seem like it sometimes but here’s a secret - sometimes I just feel like I’m going through the motions and I actually am just making stuff up on the spot. But that’s also how some of my best work happens.

That I’m almost always busy. I think people see my posts on social media and see all the stuff that I’m doing and sometimes I wish I did have more time for myself but I’m happy doing what I do!

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Candice Clarke:
Probably more recently than I’m willing to admit…

Maybe that I need affection? I don’t know - doesn’t everyone want some love though?

I don’t know… I don’t really pay attention to what people are saying about me - although I hope it’s all good!

Daniel Parker:
I don’t know about you - but I’m not insecure about anything.

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I think that some people believe I won’t go through with my promises. So let me take this moment to say - if anyone, ANYONE crosses me - I will show you the full power of my skills. Zion, Lyonrad, Maverick, Dorian, Dominic, and whoever else thinks about crossing me in the future - this is for you. What I revealed about you was just the tip of the iceberg of what I know.

Jordan Williams:
I don’t really know. I think growing up I realized that you can’t really be scared of something you can’t control so I don’t really get feel nervous or insecure.

Maybe that I don’t work hard for what I’ve gotten? I don’t really know. Although a lot of what my life has come to was down to luck, it definitely doesn’t mean I didn’t work hard to get there. So that’s definitely an accusation I’d defend myself against.

Maybe that I’ve always been and wanted to be a singer. That definitely didn’t happen until way further into my career and although I love it, my passion always will be dancing.

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Candice Clarke:
I guess… If I had to pick someone I’d pick Delilah Hawthorne… for a reason I’m not going to talk about today.

Probably Valerie - I could count on her for anything.

Umm… It’s fairly important. I take anything I do very seriously and being blue royalty is one of them. (PS: Her mom is totally watching ahahaha)

My mom was Blue royalty so it’s kind of a legacy type of deal.

Of course - I’ll do quite a few things but there are certain things that I would never do.

I think I definitely have a good chance. But we won’t really know until later on!

I don’t think so - I have a pretty good handle on where my life is going with or without blue royalty. Especially… with this modeling contract that I already have ready to sign.

Most attractive? That’s a hard question - I think everyone’s attractive in their own way.

I’m not going to answer that - attractiveness isn’t just on physical appearance.

Daniel Parker
Threat? No one’s a threat to me. If anything - I’m the threat.

There are no allies in this competition - only competitors.

Wouldn’t you like to know. All I’ll say is there’s a reason every senior want’s the title of blue royalty.

Why are you asking questions that I’m clearly not going to answer? My reasons are mine alone.

I’ll leave that one up to your imagination.

Of course. There’s no doubt in my mind that my name will be up on the list at the very end of the game.

Irrelevant question since I will be on Blue Royalty

Most attractive? Well… Tala Garzon has recently caught my eye. Though an obvious choice would always be Delilah Hawthorne.

Lyonrad Fulcruth - without a doubt.

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Let’s just say I know everything that goes on at this school. So I not only know who took points off of me or gave me points - but I know exactly who the rest of the seniors should and shouldn’t trust.

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I know that feeling! It’s a relief to catch up on the questions.

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No kidding ahahaha!

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Alright, here’s a few more questions.

To all three
Childhood favorite movie?
Childhood-young teen movie that you still love to watch?
What’s your birthday?


Oh Daniel… Well who would you say would be the closest thing to being a threat then? Even if it’s less of a threat, more someone to keep an eye on or an annoyance.


For Daniel only -

  • Of course! I would! What’ quality of yours, according to you, attract women the most?

For all -

  • what’s the best advice anyone has given you?
  • what did you want to be, when you were little? Do you still want to be that?
  • Would you rather live in a castle alone for the rest of your life or live in a smaller cozy house with people you love the most?
  • how do you treat people who annoys you the most?