RP Character Questions Thread - Candice, Daniel, & Jordan

Yes ahaha -now imagine it with a british accent :stuck_out_tongue:

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Some last minute questions…

To All:

  • Biggest Accomplishment?
  • What was the last thing that you did that was really out of your comfort zone?
  • How long was your longest relationship?
  • For what reasons would you consider lying to your friends?
  • What was the most stupid thing that you have done in a relationship?
  • What is the worst thing you’ve ever done to someone?

Alright the current questions are the last ones so once the questions are all answered, the thread will be closed. @benitz786

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Candice Clarke:
“I’d… probably go get a plane ticket and go to wherever my dad is to spend time with him since I haven’t really had the opportunity to see him too much over the last 15 years”

“I really hope that I have the opportunity to put my art pieces on display in a gallery one day… so I guess that’s what I hope to have in 20 years - the chance to grow as an artist.”

Well… I don’t really expect to have children. But if I do have children… I guess I would like them to be a little different than me. Maybe braver. Trait wise I don’t really have a preference - as long as their happy.

“For me - one of the most important qualities is that the person I’m with is supportive and honest”

“I do whatever I can to make them feel better, of course.”

“Lies - without a doubt.”

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Daniel Parker:

“What kind of question is that? I’d go to the best doctors money could afford and make sure I don’t die. Worse comes to worse I’ll put myself into a cryogenic sleep until they can figure out how to save me,”

“Like right now but 10 times better,”

“Do I want my kids to be amazing tech geniuses who can ignite fear in anyone they cross paths with? Sure - yes. That would be great.”

“Humor. They have to be on my wavelength obviously,”

“you say this assuming I actually care about people - which I don’t.”

“Someone who goes behind my back and uses me,”

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“I’d go and see all my friends one last time but I wouldn’t tell any of them I was dying. I want them remember me like I am and not change themselves because of a little fact like death,”

“I’m not really sure. I am a big believer in living in the present and not in the future so wherever I end up - I hope I’m happy”

“Not necessarily - I think everyone has something interesting about them so I don’t have specific qualities I’m looking for. But I will say my household will be having dance parties every day so hopefully they have a little fun and lightheartedness in them!”

Just someone who makes me happy - I don’t have specific traits. But I do hope… that they love me for me and not for my fame.

“I’d drop everything to make sure they’re okay and do everything in my power to make them feel better”

“I guess someone who cheats on me and isn’t honest”

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I am already imagining some of the cutest future scenes.

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Candice Clarke:

“Well… during freshman year I applied for an international art competition and I won second place with my piece… but I had a modeling gig that weekend so I couldn’t attend the ceremony…”

“Probably… the nude shoot that my mom booked a few weeks ago…”

“A year and a half was probably my longest one and It started at the beginning of 8th grade and went on until the middle of 9th grade when I broke up with him,”

“I… I guess if my lie would hurt them less then the truth would,”

“I cheated on them”

“I… I don’t want to talk about that,”

Daniel Parker:
“Oh I have so many, I don’t even think I could begin to narrow it down. I don’t know - maybe the time I hacked into the russian embassy.”

“I’m never out of my comfort zone. Nice try though,”

“Friendship or actual relationship? You know what - never mind. Neither of them really matter to me so let’s say a big fat zero”

“There’s so many reasons - do I really have to name them? Lying to protect yourself, lying to protect them, lying simply to practice lying. I could go on and on”

“I don’t make mistakes or do “stupid” things,”

“Oh there was this one time that someone tried to cross me so I got back at them by dating their mother. Good times.”

Jordan Williams:
“Oh… I just won dancing with the stars and that was really fun! I don’t know if it’s my biggest accomplishment but it’s definitely up there!”

“You may be surprised to hear this but singing was definitely out of my comfort zone when I first started. There is definitely a difference in producing music and dancing that I can’t really quantify but at first, I was super out of my comfort zone in the studio but I was also really excited to try something new.”

“My longest relationship would probably have been 2 years with my high school sweetheart. She was… a really amazing person.”

“I wouldn’t… I think there’s a line that when you consider your friends your family, you shouldn’t lie to them.”

“Oh I’m a mess 99.999% of the time. But I guess one of the stupidest things I did was that for one of my high school sweethearts birthdays - I decided to make her a scrapbook of memories from her childhood so I found her mother’s phone number through a mutual friend and called her to ask if she’d be willing to send me photos. I think her mother didn’t know that she was dating me yet and that got her mother… really upset. It’s definitely something I regret.”

“Left them with a half-assed excuse to why I was leaving…”

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I KNOW :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

This could be Jez and Jordan’s kids but you be playin :crazy_face:

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And with that - I think you can officially close this thread!

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So, so cute.

well… I may be unable to stop myself from imagining/plotting/planning…

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The week is up!
Check out the current week’s thread!