RP Character Questions Thread - Daniel & Jezebel

This week, the question thread will feature two characters from the Blue Royalty RP! The characters for this week’s question thread are, Daniel Parker and Jezebel Sloane!

Daniel was chosen for this week’s thread, and since Jezebel is his sister she was able to join him for this week’s question thread.
Daniel was made by @benitz786 and Jezebel was made by myself so feel free to tag us with questions for our specific characters.

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Then join the group tag and ask at least 2 questions this week.

@RPQuestions @BlueRoyalty you may be interested in learning more about these characters



  1. are you over jordan?
  2. you ready to be a ma?
  3. Thoughts about mikel being the dad?
  4. How did you end up sleeping with Kai? (and meeting him)
  5. Best sex; Kai vs Jordan Vs Mikel and don’t give us the “they’re all good in their own way” bs
  6. Did you know that Jordan’s new song is about getting over you? How does that make you feel?


What did you think when your sister told you that she’s pregnant?
What did you think about Jez and Jordan together?
What about her and Mikel?
Tell us about you and Valerie. What are things like between you two?

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Hello, you two! Favorite color? Least favorite song?


That I’m going to kill the son of a btch who got her pregnant - until I realized it was Mikel and Jezebel talked me down from making any rash decisions.

Jordan and Jezebel were always good together, honestly. I don’t know how to explain it but something about them always clicked and I liked who she was when she was with him.

looks at Jez “Sorry Jez… I love Mikel but I think you could do better…”

That’s personal - in other words, please mind your damn business. Thanks.


It’s a color… what does it matter? I don’t have a favorite.

Milkshake by Kelis

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No, I’m not. I don’t know if I’ll ever really get over him…

Not at all.

I really don’t know what I think about it. I just hope that he’ll be a good dad, or at least that he can try to be.

Wow, so kinda long story actually, but we met like a year, year and a half ago now maybe, when I was visiting Jess. So, we went to this fancy party and ended up pretending to be each other, and that’s how I ended up meeting Kai. We were hanging out and drinking more than we should have, and actually ended up getting arrested… Jess had to bail us out, and I was having a good time with Kai so she told me to go ahead and keep hanging out with him, so that night we slept together. We kept in touch and we’ve met up and slept together a couple times since.

What is so important about asking this?

I… I didn’t know…
I… I guess its good that he’s moving on… it’s probably better for him that way…



Uh… some song I don’t listen to?

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He gonna try but he never had a dad so he doesn’t know what a good dad is!!!


Aka laurel gonna be really messed up :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:




And that’s basically the same situation as Jez… No good example of what a good mom should be…

Poor Laurel, she is… She’s at least got reasons to be messed up



  1. Jez - while you were trying to figure out who the baby daddy was - Jess was actively dating Kai. Were you Not planning on telling her that the guy she was sleeping with could have been the father of her new cousin?
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Daniel, how do you feel about Jez living with you now?
What was your reaction to her telling you about the fight with her mom?
What specifically brought you to the point to forgive Jez?

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Well, she was gone for a couple weeks, and that wasn’t something that I would have told her over the phone, so I thought it would be best to find out whether Kai was the father or not first, then tell Jess. I didn’t want to ruin things between them if there wasn’t a reason to.

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Daniel, since the last time these questions were asked, you and Jezebel weren’t getting along, we’re going to ask again.

Very first impression of Jezebel?
Do you wish you could have grown up knowing about her being your sister?

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  1. Jess vs Dan - who’s the better family member? (Insert Dan giving you a look from the side)
  2. Why won’t you name your kid Danielle
  3. Why wasn’t Mikel at the sonogram?
  4. Are you happy the baby’s a girl?
  5. Where do you see your future going now that you’re having a baby?
  6. How’s living with Dan?
  7. Have you talked to your mom since… everything?
  8. Why does Riker hate you?
  9. Are you gonna tell dan you’re going to Kai’s party?
  10. Thoughts about Kai now that Dan’s asked you to stay away from him?


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It’s great… honestly I don’t know if you’ve noticed but casa parker is really big for two people… the two people being me and Jess since my parents are in and out 99% of the time. Its kind of like it was before when we were friends and she used to stay over so not much has changed.

I wasn’t surprised. I never liked Dana - kind of a btch if you haven’t noticed.

Ehh… Jez doesn’t know this yet but shoots a look at Jez Jordan Williams actually showed up my door and started yelling at me for about an hour and a half and I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Jordan mad, but it’s bloody scary.


Because his creator doesn’t want to rp!!!