RP Character Questions Thread - Dorian & Elodie

This week, the question thread will feature two more characters from the Blue Royalty RP! The characters for this week’s question thread are, Elodie and Dorian DeLoughrey!

This is the second question thread for both of them, so check out their previous thread too.
Both are made by @astxrism so feel free to tag her with questions!

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Then join the group tag and ask at least 2 questions this week.

@RPQuestions @BlueRoyalty you may be interested in learning more about these characters


Oh i wish you luck @astxrism - just ask @Littlefeets and @CerealKiller how hard I’ve been going on them




Elodie, how do you feel about what Dorian did? What about Marie?
To both, what are your favorite colors?




Alright alright alright Let’s get started


  1. Thoughts about Jordan?
  2. Thoughts about Riker?
  3. Thoughts about Lyonrad?
  4. Thoughts about Daniel?
  5. Thoughts about Jessica?
  6. Can you go into more detail about what went on with Jessica and Dylan?
  7. Can you go into more detail about your fake relationship with Kai?
  8. Thoughts about Kai dating Jessica?


  1. Thoughts about Jordan?
  2. Thoughts about Riker?
  3. Thoughts about your friend Riker hitting on your sister?
  4. Thoughts about Daniel?
  5. Thoughts about Jessica?
  6. Thoughts about Aline?
  7. Thoughts about Sadie?
  8. Thoughts about Emily?
  9. Thoughts about Hailey?
  10. Why did you hide that you had heard the voicemail from Jessica?

hello hello - welcome welcome to our game of marry, kill, bang. As the name implies, we will be giving you lists of girls and guys and you will be choosing MARRY, BANG, KILL. Are you ready? Well. You don’t really have a choice so here. We. go.

We’re going to start off with dear old Dorian DeLoughrey

List 1:

List 2:

List 3:

List 4:

List 4:

List 5:

List 6:


And Elodie DeLoughrey:

List 1:

List 2:

List 3:

List 4:


Elodie: Well, of course I was disappointed but it’s okay… I shouldn’t be so surprised.

Elodie: She is a sweet girl, I don’t have anything against her and I’m flattered, I just don’t like people randomly kissing me.

Elodie: Yellow :relieved:
Dorian: Uhm, red, I think


Did you expect Andy to punch you back?
What did you think about valerie being the one to stop him from doing it again?
Why do you think Jessica told andy and not you?
Do you think you and Valerie could ever have a chance of getting along again?


If let’s say, you and Riker have two daughters that will go to school together with a girl that happens to be their second-third-fourth cousin which is Andy and Ketziah’s daughter, do you think they’ll be friends?
How’re you today boo?


More elo ok-
What do you think about Theo having a kid?
Have you ever met her?
Was stripping fun?
Are you mad at dori?


Elo who was ya first kiss ok


Worst person I know, yeah… giggles. No, he means a lot to me, I can’t imagine not having him in my life.
Don’t have much to say, I don’t know him that well. Elodie is close to him so I guess he is not that bad but she’s friends with many… questionable people, like Daniel.

Strange first encounter and who doesn’t know how to button shirts? :((
One of the best dudes I know. Yeah, great guy.

HAHAHAHA I approve. As long as it’s not Lyonard.

I don’t want to talk about him…

Daniel can be difficult but I do love him. If you’re lucky you can see that he is great.
Skip :roll_eyes:

She can be great, I lot of people like her, or liked her but I’m just disappointed.
I… don’t want to talk about Jessica.

I honestly don’t know much. They’ve slept together and that’s it. Ask her, I don’t really want to know.

No… looks down

They are dating? Oh… If they are happy that’s all that matters!

Aline is… I mean, I like her. Don’t have anything bad to say about her. She is fun, I really do enjoy her company and I’m not just talking about what you’re thinking about

Oh, one of the sweetest girls I know, without a doubt!

Sweet but a psycho. Does she not know when to stop??

Fun but confusing? Did you know she told me to stop distracting Emily just because she wanted to be with me?! HAHA

Can we not talk about that? Thanks.


Wow, okay. silence for a bit
I can’t kill… Jessica so I’d kill Sadie. I’m sorry, I don’t know her that much and if this list was different I’d marry her.
Marry Jessica and bang Aline.

Marry Emily. I KNOW SHH
Bang Hailey and kill Penelope.

Kill Valerie, without a doubt. Bang Anna even if I don’t want to and marry Delilah.

I don’t know that Madeline girl but I’d marry her, bang Jezebel and kill Kara.

Don’t know Reina so she gonna be dead. Marry Celine and bang Mareena.

Marry Zion, very cool person. Bang Ruby and kill Selena.

Isn’t Marie into my sister? I guess I’d kill her then?
Marry Yara, she seems fun and bang Candice, rip



Damn, I was really expecting to marry Sadie, bang aline, and kill Jessica :eyes:


“she sounds the least damaged even tho I don’t know her” :joy: :joy: :joy:


I hate this game haha… Do I have to? Okay,okay…
Kill Kai, I’m sorry :(
Bang Theo and marry Riker.

Kill Calen, bang Lyonrad and marry Maverick.

Oh, this is a hard one…
I don’t know… can I skip this? I love them all!

Kill Mikel, bang Dominic and marry Elias.




Ruby: shrugs
Marie: Well, Damn.