RP Character Questions Thread - Evangeline Le Fay

This week, the question thread will feature a character from the Hazbin Hotel RP! The character for this week’s question thread is, Evangeline Le Fay!

This character was made by @ForeverAngel , so feel free to tag her with the questions for her character!

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Then ask at least a question this week.

@RPers you may be interested in learning more about this character



Time to bully @ForeverAngel


Can I sign up for other’s character as well?

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Ooooooh, yes. What do you think of the different residents?


Do you like pasta? :thinking::heart::rose::two_hearts:

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What do you really think of Xero?

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Where did you get your powers? How did you train them to be so strong?
If you could cheat on Xero with anyone, who would it be?
How would you describe your sense of style?
What’s your biggest flaw?

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What were the twenties like?


kill, marry, kiss
out of the other characters :smirk:
(also, you can’t say the same name twice)


Oh boy. That’ll be interesting.


If there anything you can legitimately do without magic?


yes, I hope so

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So…Miss Evangeline Le Fay

  1. Tell us about your feud with Xero. if you say it’s because of territories, Blade will break your legs no matter how op you are

  2. What are your thoughts about ‘Derys’?

  3. Felt jealous when Xero teamed up with Erika? :smirk:

  4. You must be on cloud 9 when Xero called you ‘luv’ in the Prince’s masquerade party, right?

  5. Ever wanted to be enemies with benefits with Erika? :smirk:

  6. Toothfairy confesses his love to you, what do you do?

  7. Do you also think you’re too op?

  8. If Erika ever confesses her interest in you, would you initiate a love-hate relationship? :smirk: :smirk:

  9. Felt angry at Cerys ever?


What do you think of Alex?

Why did you go to the hotel?

Do you have a crush on someone?

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How do you delete another person’s post? These questions though

I love how everyone here is just from Hazbin


Do you think Mystex Alex X Myst could have happened?
Favorite food?

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Do you remember your death?

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