RP Character Questions Thread - Ezekiel

”Okayyyy okay… listen. I can seeee why she would think like that. We are really close and we know each other for a very long time, I would often think she is my family… So yeah I get it but I don’t know. It’s… I can’t say that she is right, I mean, do you know her? She’s awesome I wouldn’t say no to actually dating her“

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”It’s just suuuuuch a positive place and I love people there. They always make my mornings better. OOH and didn’t that one new girl used to work there?“

”Hmmmm… I don’t remember. I met him through his parents and if they are nice I thought he was nice as well“

”He’s a cool dude“

Zekaya ship :sneezing_face::sneezing_face:

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”I’m really sorrrry but she is mean“

”He is… okayyy I guess“

”Such a sweeeetheart“

”Making music? Does that count? It has to count… If not theeeeen… roaming the city in a shopping cart“

”Just basketball but for fun“

”… No. But I do care about her a lot“

”She’s smart“

”I think she hates me now“

”I… don’t… like that. It’s not healthy and I don’t think she should be with him“

”It’s no my place to say who someone should and should not hang out with but I’d be careful“

”… I had my chance. No“

”I guessss“

”I liiiike her, she’s sweet and smart, I don’t really know what to say“

”Whyyy is everyone asking me about him? I don’t have anything to say I’m sorrry“

”Ohhh man… I like him and I… fell bad for him?“

”Now that’s another story. I’m sorry but is just… not great. Not even a little bit“

”Masooon. Hm… Weeeeell, I am not a fan. His sister is great but he is… I don’t like him“

”I’m not living under a rockkk, I know who she is but that’s it“

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Yes, sweet and smart and you exploit that don’t you? Especially when you have a class with her?

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  1. top three people you would like to date in your school?

  2. Whose your best friend?

  3. What’s your idea of a perfect day like?

  4. What is your idea of a perfect date?

  5. What do you think of Elio?

  6. What do you think of Hades?

  7. Would you say you are a people pleaser?

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Sophie, Annie, anddddd uh… idk

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”I whaaat? No!“

”That’s a strange question… I don’t know? That’s… I don’t like that question. There are so many greaaaat people why do I have to pick three??“

”Uhm… Vic, Kaya, Danielle… I have a lot of good friends“

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So you don’t ask her to do your homework and give you her answers

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Just pick three, if not 5.

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Is the reason you broke up with Sophie because she wouldn’t have sex with you?


”Just being with friends, good energy, making music. I don’t need much to have a perfect day“

”I don’t know if I have an answer to that… Ehhh. Oooh okay listen - pizza, starry night, hill that overlooks the town“

”He is my friend and I appreciate him buuuut I don’t agree with things he does“

”He kind of changed and… I’m sorry but I don’t mean it in a good way“

laughs ”Uhhhhm… no? What kind of question is that? Do people think that?“

”Ooooh cmon, it’s just homework. She could just say no if she doesn’t want to help :((“

whispers ”This stays between us, right? Let’s saaaaay Vic, Kaya, Annie, Natalia, Lenora … I could go on forever“
cough cough ”What was the question again? Who would I date? I dooon’t want to answer that, can we please move on?“

:woozy_face: Wtf? No. That’s a silly reason to break up with someone“

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chill boy

What’s something you regret doing?
Who was the last person that made you sad and why?
Who would you like to keep seeing after high school?
What does your normal day look like?

damn it seems you have a lot of crushes,would you say you’re someone who falls easily?

What do you think of Hades cousin Gaston?

Do you think Hades has become rude and kinda a bully?

Who do you prefer Hades or Ricky?

Sophie or Amie?

Leonora or Kaya?

Natalia or Vic?

What do you think of Hera?

What do you think of Olivia?

”I doon’t know. I like to say that I don’t have any regrets“

”That’s a deeep question. My mom? :joy:

”Everyone I’m friends with! If they want that…“

”Depends! That changes a lot, I don’t think I have a normal day. Schoooool… and then whatever I want tooo do. Spending the night with friends“

”Nahhhhh I don’t have crushes. There are just a lot of amazing people and to answer your question… no? Maybe? I have noooo idea“

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Hey @astxrism looks like there’s still a few questions left unanswered. If you don’t want to answer them, thats fine and we can close the thread, but I wanted to give you a quick reminder about them.