RP Character Questions Thread - Jessica & Anna

That was my favourite team

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  • Do you have any bad habits that you can’t seem to break no matter what you try?

  • Would it be easier to cope with the death of someone you knew, if you knew it was coming, or if it seemed sudden because you had no idea?

  • Assuming you were in a long term relationship or married, which would be worse, dying first and leaving them without you, or them dying first and having to live without them? Would it be better to die together?

  • When watching a scary movie, are you more of the person to provide comfort for the person you’re watching with, or the person needing comfort?

  • How have you prepared for your senior year?

  • What are your plans for after graduating high school?

  • What is the meaning of your name?

  • What or who would you sacrifice your life for?

  • What single event has had the biggest impact on who you are?

  • What characteristic do you most admire in others?

  • What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?

  • What is your best childhood memory?

  • What would be the one thing you’d be willing to give up just to be loved?

  • What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?

  • What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn’t true?

  • When was the last time you felt really insecure about the parts of yourself you pretend don’t exist?

  • What accusation would you defend yourself most fiercely against, even though you know it’s true?

  • What is one thing people always get wrong about you?

  • Who of your classmates is the most attractive?

  • What about least attractive?

  • Best date you’ve ever had?

  • Worst date?

  • What is the first thing that you would do if you found out you had a week to live?

  • What would you like your life to look like in 10 years? What about 20?

  • Assuming you have children one day in the future, would you want them to be a lot like you? Are there certain traits of yours that you would hope they would/wouldn’t have?

  • Most important qualities in a significant other? (Not necessarily asking about a long term relationship though)

  • Biggest Accomplishment?

  • What was the last thing that you did that was really out of your comfort zone?

  • How long was your longest relationship?

  • For what reasons would you consider lying to your friends?

  • What was the most stupid thing that you have done in a relationship?

  • What is the worst thing you’ve ever done to someone?

  • How many kids would you hope to have one day?

  • When would you want to start a family? How would you react to timing being different than what you had in mind on that?

  • If you could give your younger self some advice, what would you tell them, and what age of your younger self would you be giving the advice to?

  • If you could repeat one day of your life, what day would that be? What about a year?

  • Which is worse, lying or keeping a secret?

  • How many people have you known that have died?

  • Do you consider yourself to have a good sense of knowing when someone is struggling with something?

  • How do you comfort someone?

  • What physical feature do you get complimented on the most?

  • If you could change places with someone at your school for a week who would it be?

  • What would you do if someone found your deepest secret and threatened to exploit it?

  • Tell us about your first kiss

  • Have you ever been cheated on?

  • Have you ever cheated on someone else?

  • What’s in your web history that you’d be embarrassed about someone seeing?

  • Have you ever sext-ed?

  • Would you ever have a threesome?

  • What’s the most trouble you’ve ever been in?

  • If you found a genie - what three wishes would you make?

For Jess:

  • Have you kept up with any of what’s happened at Cerulean since you’ve been gone? At least the stuff that has involved your friends?

  • What’s it like returning part way into senior year?


Jessica Pierce:
How is that even a bloody question? Beyonce obviously… err… sorry Andy (@CerealKiller) and Jordan. You guys’ can’t complete with a queen.

Nuggets… no… hot Cheetos… ooo or those gummy bears that taste like champagne… wait no… maybe… you know what, I can’t answer this question. We’ll be here for hours

:poop: because it’s an embodiment of me

Anna Pierce:
My friend Dua Lipa is an absolute delight

A light fruit salad with strawberries picked from my family’s garden estate

I don’t use emoji’s.


Ew Anna


Jessica Pierce:
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep on bloody swimming :fish:

I was once in a chicken wing eating competition and I’m proud to say - I broke the record of most wings eaten in an hour. TAKE THAT RODGER (previous champions name)


anything that’s not lunch

I am fairly proficient at “whale” I believe I’ve watched finding Nemo just enough times

Anna Pierce:
Trust your gut

I’m one of a handful of models that is on Marc Jacobs’, Vera Wang, and Ralph Lauren’s personal call list

International Policy

There aren’t any classes I really hate - I excel at all of them

German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and a little Japanese


Jessica Pierce:
Valerie Wood? Badass chick that takes the world by storm and doesn’t let anyone stand in her way. She’s great - though I’m sure the sentiment isn’t reciprocated…

Oh he’s awful. -10/10 would not talk to again. Stay the hell away from him - some of the worst conversations I’ve ever had with another person. Kidding, I love myself some McNugget love. Honestly, though, don’t let the tattoos fool you - he’s a tootsie roll and my favorite person in the word.

She’s wifey. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

He’s… a cool dude. We used to be good friends but… I haven’t… talked to him in a while so I don’t really know what you want me to say.

i don’t know a Gio… sorry…

Anna Pierce:
pauses "Sorry, I don’t know a Valerie Wood… Is she a model I’ve worked with or…?

I’ve seen one of his concerts when on of my good friends dragged me out. Ehh subpar music at best. I’ve met him at a family gathering or two when Jess brought him and I don’t know - seems like a bad influence.

Yara? Sorry… oh… That girl my little cousin dated? I don’t know - never met the girl but seeing as my cousin broke up with her - I’m guessing she’s not that great. Didn’t she cheat on him or something?

I thought I told you I didn’t want to talk about him? Oh well - as I’ve said in my other interviews, Theo’s a great guy, and a great model. I love working with him - he’s a very professional guy. Next question please

Is he a fashion designer or something? Sorry I only work with top brands.


Jessica Pierce:
OH MY GOD IS THAT A FLYING BUS BEHIND YOU? Oh? it’s not? Damn. I got major ‘the magic school bus’ vibes. You know there was this whole year where I wanted to actually be Ms. Frizzle when I grew up. Like I already bloody have the hair - how far a stretch is it to get the bus. I have a daniel after all - so I did try to convince him to make me a bus that shrinks and does all the cool stuff that the bus in the show does

Okay but listen - there’s this big travesty. McDonald’s UK doesn’t sell McAndy’s and I’m very upset. So I had to come back and get my fill of it for a few months.

Daniel Radcliffe? Great dude. My parents invited him to dinner when we were younger and it was really interesting eating with Harry Potter. Ironically I met him again years later when Yara and I snuck into a Harry Potter party when they mistook her for Shay Mitchell.

AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Why are you still interviewing me when I’m an absolute bore?

Dorian Gray? From the book? I was never really that big a fan of that book - honestly… don’t tell my 6th grade English teacher… I skimmed it and watched the movie instead.

You should be more specific @CerealKiller :stuck_out_tongue:


Anna Pierce:
I’m sorry I think you’re mistaken - who says I hate my sister?

As both Theodore and I have mentioned in various interviews - it was really just our availibilities and time. I mean, how can you actively date someone who doesn’t live in the same place as you? You can’t.

My cousin? He’s fine. I haven’t really interacted much with him over the years but he’s an overall okay guy I guess.




No u


Keeps killing me :joy:

I hate you



Jessica Pierce:
OH BLOODY F*CKING HELL you have to be kidding me… Can’t I just marry Andy and have a threesome with the other two?

Marry Jordan easy. Do you know how much of a freaking sweetheart that man is? Plus dancing with him is so much fun. Probably sleep with Mikel - that’s nothing new… which I guess leads to killing Theo… sorry man

Hmm…I guess marry… Valerie? Sleep with Selena and probably kill Lyon… Sorry Ly…

Marry Aline no freaking doubt. She’s a blast. As messed up as the sibling connection is here, I’d probably bang her brother. And… sorry Kara… I guess that leaves you for the slaughterhouse.

Well Brandon’s taken and I’m not about that life so I guess kill him, sleep with Delilah, and Marry Riker - though he’d probably make me go surf or some sh^t and exercise is not my strong suit so I may be switching Delilah and Riker.


Yes. Yes yes yes yes.




Tea because Dan and Val :stuck_out_tongue:


Lick to get to the center of the toosie pop

NO U :triumph: :triumph:

Very upset

You can ask more questions :stuck_out_tongue:

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McAndy the dude buys me McAndy the food. So the first one, obviously.

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Even more tea


Jessica: Start doing nap time again because that sh!t slaps

Jessica; HOW BLOODY DARE YOU ASK ME AN IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION. Nope. Interview over. I’m going home.



Jessica reee

  • thoughts about Daniel Parker?
  • How do you feel about dorian DeLoughrey now?
  • Who’s the smarter one, you or Anna?
    Anna - who’s the smarter one you or Jessica

Hehehe, I purposely asked her that.


Anna Pierce:
I don’t know - why worry about things that won’t happen?

Probably Parmesan Risotto with Roasted Shrimp taken from the Mediterranean Sea and seasoned by my professional cook