RP Character Questions Thread - Jessica & Anna

Crap, I’m hungry now.


I feel like the color brown doesn’t get enough love so let’s go with that

Dude has amazing taste in pizza. But he does need to loosen up a bit. You know - eat a ghost pepper or two


Probably red - it leaves a statement

Again you’re going to have to be more specific… do you mean that guy my aunt brought to Christmas dinner? He was terrible. Ended up barfing in the exotic plant my parents keep in the living room.



For Jessy:
What’s your favourite memory with Anna?
Who is most important to you?
What is most important to you?
What is your least favourite nickname that people call you?
Are your dreams prophetic?
What’s the most vivid dream you’ve had? Describe it. In detail. :grinning:
What kind of a queen would you be? What would be your first decree?
If your sister was an animal, which one would she be?
Which country has the best cuisine?
Are you planning on opening a restaurant when you’re older or are you just gonna be the honorary taste tester for one of your friendos?
If you were approached by someone who would give you a lifetime’s supply to your favourite type of food if you would kill your sister, would you do it?
What would it take you to betray someone you love?
Would you say you were lucky in the family department?
What would your reaction be if one of your close friends up and left the country without any word seemingly randomly and without any reason?
Do your relationships hold any weight to you? Or are they things that you can easily sever?

Anna Banana:
What’s your favourite memory with Jessica?
What’s one word that you’d use to describe Jessica?
How would you describe yourself?
Who is older, you or Jessy?
Could you be paid to kill your sister?
If you and Jessica were born conjoined (which is fairly possible considering you two were identical), what would that be like for you?
Humour me; what’s the first thing you’d do if you woke up in Jessy’s body?
What is something you want everyone to know about you?


cough :tea:


you get it :relieved:


Jessica Pierce:
How the bloody hell am I supposed to know? I honestly think it was just a case of wrong time right place - and we just kept missing each other when the other was around. But someone better introduce me to the girl because she sounds bloody bad ass

I mean… it was low key like “whaaaattttt” but also it made a lot of sense - plus Jez and Dan already acted like siblings so it’s not a big jump

Honestly it’s not really my place to say - but I will say they are both great guys.


That’s not pg13 :skull_and_crossbones:


I mean - not my fault you didn’t specify which Vivid dream :star_struck:


Honestly? Circumstance. And… maybe one too many shots of fireball. I was in Atlanta for the weekend with a friend and tipsy me saw a poster for his concert that night that was sold out and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to go see it. Little did I know the concert was sold out so I first overpaid exorbitantly for some tickets a scalper was selling outside, turns out they were fake so I ended up sneaking in. I tried to flash the security guard to get in but apparently every fan was trying that so I ended up having my friend give me a boost and sneaking in through an open window. I ended up seeing the concert with front row seats and then sneaking backstage to get a “photo” with the star himself - which was an interesting story in itself because Andy did try to have me thrown out the moment he saw me but I think he kind of pitied how much of a mess I looked - sneaking in through a tiny window does do that - and decided to hear me out soooooooo here we are


Yes - and may I say, fabulous kiisser. He can turn a simp out of any girl.

God you really want to know about every man and woman I kissed huh? Yes, Yara was my first… and possibly one of the best. Girl’s ice cream licking skills don’t even begin to describe what she can do with that tongue.


I don’t know - I don’t really keep track of people I’ve only met once or twice. I’m far too busy to do that. But, I guess maybe that concert my friend dragged me out to. Probably about half a year ago or so.

…again. Don’t know which “Valerie” you’re talking about darling.

Graduated from my elite private school I’m attending now as well as graduating from the University of Cambridge with a degree in political science while continuing to have a flourishing modeling career and using it to jumpstart my political one to take after my parents in the House of Lords

We did a perfume ad for Lancome together a few months ago which involved the two of us being naked in a pool


URghhh why do you, Michelle, and Chid do this to meeeeeeee :frowning:

Jessica Pierce:
Hmm… I don’t know… people say that my waking up at 2 am and going for a run or for a walk is a bad habit, but I’d like to disagree. I’ve made some of my best memories during those times.

Is it selfish to say if I had no idea? Knowing about it would make me deal with it differently and I don’t ever want to treat anyone like they are different - just because of somethiing like death

Which would be worse? Probably them dying first. I’d like to die first thank you very much. Screw dying together - they need to plan me the wake of a century. Andy, if you’re listening, I bloody die first and you’re planning me a f*cking good wake okay? Like party of the century style.

I’m the person making fun of the bad acting and telling my friends how I would have done it better - in other words, neither, I ruin the movie and am the person people start throwing food at for talking too much

I eat a good breakfast, lunch, dinner and repeat

Anna Pierce:
I’m a perfectionist by heart - so probably just trying to do everything in a bigger, better fashion then what I did before.

Knew if it was coming. If you knew about it, you could prepare in advance. Obviously.

I don’t know - probably you dying because what would the other person do without you there?

I don’t really watch scary movies - so neither?

I go to an elite prep academy and have been since I was a child so I’ve been ready for it


Like… right after graduating? Probably going out to eat. The same as usual.

Okay… so I don’t actually know what it means but I once read urban dictionary and it was bloody hilarious. Hold up… let me pull it up. Alright - are you ready for this bull sh!t?
“Jessica is the most amazing girl you will ever meet basically.”
"She is known to be the sexiest person who walked the planet. "
I do think they mistook clumsy for sexy And honestly, just the bloody rest of it is a mess. I mean…
“Boys get nervous when around her and a lot of boys have a crush on her. Jessica is aspired to by others. She will show you a good time and also has a crazy/wild side to her. When you meet a Jessica, you will have a hard time forgetting her! She falls in love easily and loves to laugh. But she has a down side to her, she can take control sometimes. She likes to be the leader in every situation and is not afraid to voice her opinion. When she falls in love, she falls deep. Boys love her! Jessica in a term means goddess. She has incredible looks. When you find a Jessica, don’t let her go! Shes beautiful, talented and has an amazing body. Guys like to often flirt with her but she doesn’t [take that](to heart. She isn’t perfect, but then again, who is? Shes very active and likes to do very crazy and scary things. Jessica likes to dress kinda nice and when gets complimented, denies all of it. Shes very artistic and is a great dancer. Boys are lucky to have her! Shes also very supportive and a great friend! She speaks her mind and doesn’t care what people think! She has great eyes and hair. Jessica is very loyal and open, her family value her a lot. She is loved by lots of people and even people whom she might not know about! She is an all round amazing person who everyone is grateful to have in their lives.”
Like, I almost feel like I should write my own urban dictionary that just says - the absolute opposite because 99.9% of that is clearly wrong

Honestly anyone… my friends, my family, people on the street…

Without a doubt, the time I got food poisoning at a street sushi truck and learned that you should never eat sushi from the street

I guess… ties to their family? You can learn a lot about a person by how they treat the people in their family


Anna Pierce:
I thought we talked about this for my what am I doing in 5 years question. Do you all like proof read these questions or is that my job? Talk about unprofessional.

Graceful and beautiful - which clearly represents me.

No one? Maybe someone I care about but I’ve realized you should always watch your own back before watching out for others’

I don’t have a single event - it’s multiple events adding up that have made me who I am today.

Doing whatever it takes to get what someone wants shows passion and I respect that


Sorry… I copy/pasted my full large amount of questions from the other threads, so I won’t have any more large question dumps like this at least.

Yet another reason for Jess and Ketziah to be great friends. Don’t give them funerals. Have an amazing party instead.


Honestly… not really. I’m the type of person who doesn’t really keep up with the internet and socials but I have a few close friends I keep in touch with like Andy, Dan, Yara. Besides those people I really didn’t keep up with them until Dan hacked my official account and got me access so I could see what was going on. The account was still following some of my old friends which is why I commented and stuff. But honestly, my close friends keep me updated on their lives

Bloody interesting innit? Honestly, it’s like eating peanut butter on a banana. Doesn’t really seem like a good idea when you’re doing it, but then you take the first bite and it’s not awful and you keep going and it’s like - well, actually, it’s not that bloody bad.


Yeah ahahhaha Anna’s still gonna call you out on it :stuck_out_tongue:



Both of their responses are just great on these.

I swear, they are going to be the only ones who could probably follow through completely with what the other wants for a funeral for each other. I think they’ll have to pre-plan them.


Ahh you meant that Daniel. Bloody annoying arse he is. But I love him nonetheless. Honestly though, Dan’s a little like Andy. Rough exterior but the interior is a soft marshmallow. I love him with all my heart. Dan will always be more like a brother to me than he is a cousin.

He… sigh makes for a very bad ginger. He should stick to blonde roots or maybe even brown. It matches his undertone more. No… but honestly… I don’t know what you want me to say. Dorian’s fine? I guess. From the interactions I’ve had with him now it’s clear that he’s changed from when I knew him and I honestly just haven’t figured out if it’s for the better or not. Right now, I’m leaning towards not. (@astxrism - Dori mentioned)

Probably Anna? She went to that elite school and is graduating at the top of her class which I’m proud of.


I’m trying to let their personalities peak through even with how they respond to repeat questions- though we’ll see more depending on what you all ask. (And if you ask the right questions wink)

Honestly so much you can ask