RP Character Questions Thread - Jessica & Anna

Honestly - we do need ziah and Jess to meet :(((((


Oh and how specific you all are about the questions too :stuck_out_tongue:


So many things I could ask. We’ll just have to wait and see.

If only Jess had been on the bus too instead of with Daniel. They will just have to wait and meet sometime later.



And I oop

Because we can

Andy’s to do list:

  • Party of the century funeral for Jess
  • Party of the century funeral for ketziah

Anyone else wants one?


Dandy dandy :heart::broken_heart:


Mikel too duhhhhh


You can’t have two parties of the century in the same century :pleading_face::triumph:


Yes yes - and Mikel and her sexapades


They’re clearly not allowed to die in the same century


They should die together



What’s the most vivid dream you’ve had involving a certain blonde guy named Dorian Deloughrey you danced with in the rain, after you got absolutely plastered?

:star_struck: love you too~






aha good!


Anna Pierce:
Well for the past four years, one of us has been going to an elite school for gifted and talented students and the other has been taking online classes. I’ll let you decide.


When we were 6, I remember Anna and I used to be inseparable and do absolutely everything together. I think one of my favorite memories were when we had a family Christmas dinner and we kept switching places, her pretending to be me and me pretending to be her just to see who would notice and no one but Dan did.

For me - it’ll always be my family. Right now, on top of that list is Will and Emmy, my 5-year-old siblings. Anna, Dan, and Jezebel are close behind.

I don’t really prioritize what’s but who’s so I don’t really have a material thing that is important to me

Either bloody “Jessie” god I hate it when people call me that. Or 4-year-old since I was born on leap day and technically my birthday only comes along every 4 years.

As much as I wish I could tell the future, alas I cannot. So no, my dreams are not prophetic. Usually they’re memories from the past.

There was one time that I dreamt I was being eaten by a McAndy instead of the other way around and let me bloody tell you, being eaten by a life-sized burger is an interesting expeirnece. I went through it’s a digestive system - which yes, I know burgers don’t have digestive systems but it was a dream - what can I say. Basically, I went through a slide of fries, and then the river of coca-cola - which was kind of a fun swim. The garden of lettuce was absolutely divine 10/10 recommend. Instagram worthy for sure. I think the weirdest part was coming out the other end of the burger, though I don’t think you really want me to tell you about those gory details of being sh!tted out by a McAndy.


:sleepy: :woozy_face:

This whole thing is about to be blurred with a warning


She doesn’t even know if it was a dream cries :sob: :sob:

Dori if you reading this - I be sorry


Hopefully not a queen at all - but I like to think if I was one, I’d change the system from a monarchy to a democracy. Not the bullsh-t fake democracy that the Americans have, but a real one where every has a say in the government. Oh… and my first decree would be that there be an official holiday where everyone eats Chicken Nuggets with Andy’s face on them. (@CerealKiller mentioned)

Hmm… I don’t know maybe a shark because they keep moving forward and are some of the toughest animals alive?

You all need to stop asking me about food because I’ll never be able to bloody answer w*nkers.

I don’t know - iit’s not really a set plan for me. I’d love to do it - opening up a restaurant sounds great but I’d also just be happy to be a taste tester for a few of my friends. I did cook with Gordan Ramsey once and he didn’t completely trash my cooking so maybe it’s a sign?

No. Never. What?

Nothing. You’ll never be able to get me to betray someone I love.

I wouldn’t say I’m unlucky. I love my family.

laughs that’s… a question alright. Um… Honestly good for them. I’d hope they were having a good time but maybe I’m a biased arse because I did that.

Depends on the relationship, but usually, I can’t easily sever any relationship.


Don’t call me that.

Maybe one of the shoots we’ve done together at the beginning of our modeling career. It was fun competing against one another.

Maybe floozy? I don’t know. I mean - you’ve all read the same articles I have.

Creative, Dedicated, a perfectionist.

Jessica is older by a few minutes.

What kind of question is that?

Awful. Who would ever want to be completely stuck with someone else?

You do know we’re identical right? I don’t know probably get that awful tattoo removed.

Jessica and I aren’t the same people, even if we look the same.

