RP Character Questions Thread - Kelby & Walton

This week, the question thread will feature two more characters from Camp Half Blood! The two characters for this week are, Kelby Eliana Walker & Walton Boyd!

I created both of these characters, so feel free to tag/spam me with questions for these characters!

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here and ask these characters some questions!

@RPers @CHBRPers Y’all may be interested in learning more about these characters.


Favorite song?
Do you like dancing?
What was the best moment of your life?
If you could go on a single date with anyone, no strings attached, who would it be?

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Dammit why are all the characters always from cub I know nothing about it :joy::joy:

If you were a kitchen tool, what would you be?

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Kelby Eliana Walker:

My favorite song… That’s hard to say, because I don’t really know what my favorite is.
Dancing can be fun, I’m not much good, but it’s fun.
How can I pick one moment to be the best? One of my favorite memories is playing paintball with my brothers for my birthday though.
A single date, no strings attached… I uh… I don’t know…

A kitchen tool? Maybe a mixer, cause I’m a mix of everything?

Walton Boyd:

White Christmas. Most of the other ones I like best you probably wouldn’t know.
I do like dancing.
The best moment of my life. When I met the first person I truly loved, Miyoko.
The people I would want to go on a date with have lived full lives without me.

A kitchen tool… I’m not much of an expert in what there is to use in a kitchen.

Don’t worry next week won’t be CHB characters. I won’t have more than 2 weeks in a row of the same RP. Lime Grove characters are probably next week. :shushing_face:

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Who at camp do you respect most?
Who at camp do you admire?
Who at camp would you like to learn from?
How long have you been at Camp?
How did you discover that you’re demigods?
What are your abilities and how did you discover them?
Favorite place in camp?
Weapon of choice?
Favorite color?
Favorite animal?
Best part about being a demigod?
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? and why?
going on a quest or Running the camp ?

used some of @/littlefeets questions from the Bryan and Ray question thread

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More RPers should see it :slight_smile:

Kelby Eliana Walker:

Who at camp do I respect the most and who I admire. I guess from what I know of them and everything, Ajax and Kara, and I definitely respect Andrea from her talking to me when I first got to camp.
As for who I want to learn from, really most of the campers. I don’t really know much, and I barely understand that I’m a demigod. I do want to learn from any other Norse demigods around camp, and from any demigods who’s parent relates to plants.
Just a few days.
Well, I died.
I’m uh, not really sure what my abilities are, or even if I have any.
I still don’t know the camp that well, but maybe the fields?
I don’t really know how to use any, but I would like to learn how to use a bow.
My favorite animal… that’s hard or choose just one. Ask me later and you might get a different answer, but for one I’ll say dogs or horses.
I’d say, that I died, and I’m still here able to answer questions.
Only one thing for the rest of my “life”… I don’t know!
Uh… a quest?

Walton Boyd:

Ive only met a couple of people, so I can’t really say.
Less than a day.
I was killed in battle, and awoke to find out I am the son of a goddess.
I’m not entirely sure.
My cabin? There’s not many other places I know.
A rifle, either the model I was issued in the war or a similar model. A combat knife is what I usually deal with. I don’t really understand modern weapons that well, and I’m not great with the swords and ancient style weaponry other demigods use.
Red, orange would be a close second though.
I don’t have a favorite really, but maybe a bear?
I’m not sure what the best part is.
Does that count if you’ve been dead for 75 years?
I would guess a quest.

Do you like ducks? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::duck:

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Kelby Eliana Walker:

I definitely like ducks! Ducks are sooo cute!

Walton Boyd:

I do like ducks. Ducks would have to be my favorite bird.

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What are some of your pet peeves?
Favorite music genre?
Favorite book genre?
Favorite color?

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Kelby Eliana Walker:

Someone being treated differently for no reason. That’s a big pet peeve for me.
Uh… pop? No… maybe rock? No, pop.
Any teen oriented adventure type of book.

Walton Boyd:

I’m not entirely sure what specific pet peeves I have.
What Miss Walker says is “old people music.”
Any classic literature.
Red, but orange is a close second.

Anybody can feel free to spam these two characters with questions! You don’t have to be in the RP, or even an RPer!

#question-thread and #characters tags added!

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Favorite Movie?
If you have to save each other or a million dollars which would you pick?
Favorite Game?

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Remember the questions are supposed to be directed at the characters. I’m not the one answering. The characters are.

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Whoops sorry

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Kelby Eliana Walker:

My favorite movie…It’s hard to decide, but Frozen. My poor brothers had to listen to an 8 year old me often asking if they wanted to build a snowman. In the middle of summer.
I don’t even know what I would do with that kind of money… I would save Walton though.
Ask me again in an hour, and you’ll probably get a different answer, but probably any of the Call of Duty games because I would play them with my brothers…

Walton Boyd:

That’s a hard choice, but I have to say Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I remember watching it when it first came out.
I would save Kelby. I have nothing I would use that much money for either way.

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@ForumStaff this thread can be closed now.

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Closed due to OP request