RP Character Questions Thread - Ketziah & Jezebel

When college starts in less than 5 months and Jez hasn’t applied but thinks “college I guess” is a good answer :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, she’s applied to college, but that doesn’t guarantee she has much of an idea of what she’d major in, or even that she’d be certain if she wants to go right away or if she wants to wait a year and travel or do something.

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Don’t think so :joy: thought you might have an answer that’s what beni does on my question threads every time and I’m so clueless :joy:

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The last

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She’s gonna hang with her dad, don’t give her those eyes



  1. Thoughts about Jordan?
  2. Thoughts about Candice’s death?
  3. Thoughts about Riker?
  4. Thoughts about Jessica?
  5. Thoughts about Anna?
  6. Thoughts about Daniel?


  1. How close would you say you and Jessica are?
  2. How do you feel about basically being royalty?
  3. If you hadn’t gotten close to Mikel, do you think you and Jordan would be together right now?
  4. So you let Jordan stay in your house in secret for a month - how was that? What happened? Did things ever get… hmm… explicit during that month?


  1. Riker or Jordan? Pick one. No further context :stuck_out_tongue:
  2. Did you miss C. High?
  3. Did you miss the people at C. High?
  4. Do you have any feelings for Dorian?
  5. Who are your crushes right now?
  6. Have you slept with anyone at C High?



Jordan is awesome, and the sweetest guy I think anyone could ever meet.
Tragic. I didn’t know her, but it goes to show you that any day could be your last, or the last for someone you love.
Riker is alright I suppose. I could live without him. Honestly though, he’s like a second brother to me.
I don’t really know Jessica or Anna that well.
Daniel is… someone to be careful with.

How dare there be no context. I’ll pick Jordan then.
Its more that I missed being in my hometown.
Yeah I missed the people here.
Well my 13 year old self had the hugest crush on him. Like the biggest crush. I guess that crush never completely disappeared.
Currently? Well… I do have a bit of a crush on Andy, but who wouldn’t?


Girl knows what’s good in life

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He’s the first person I ever fell in love with, an absolute amazing friend, and the best person I know.
It sucks… she became a really close friend when I needed one, so it was rough to hear what happened…
Riker is close with Jordan, so he must be alright, but I’m not a fan.

She’s the best cousin a girl could ask for.
I think I met her? Still don’t really know her though.
That idiot of a genius is my best friend, and my brother. He’s got his issues, but I don’t know what I would do without him in my life. Not being on good terms for months really sucked.

I’d say we’re fairly close.
It’s crazy to think about.
I… that’s hard to say for sure, but if I hadn’t gotten close to Mikel, then possibly.

Well, it really gave us a chance to get really get to know each other and be good friends. We were just friends at the time, but its how I first found myself with a crush on him. Well… short story, no. Nothing explicit. Although… there was that one time with the shower.


What happened with the shower?

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Well… Jordan was in the shower. I was already dressed for school and everything, I just had to grab something from the bathroom. But then my mom came in, so I had to step into the shower even though Jordan was in there.


Oh man. That’s awkward.

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Damnn Andy







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Definitely awkward at the time, but it was one of those moments that helped lead to them dating.

My perfect day? I honestly don’t know. Spending the day with people I care about, and not having to deal with my mom at all, I guess. Just a good day with nothing going wrong.

A perfect day. Dinner with my brother, which he made, for sure. Maybe with some friends too. Hanging out and having fun with my friends all day, singing, playing music, just having a blast. Oh, and sex at some point too in what I’d consider my perfect day.

Going to school, hanging out with Daniel or Jess, and if my mom’s home some argument about whatever she’s mad at me for that time.

Now that I’m back home again, either breakfast or dinner with my brother. Going to school, hanging out with friends at some point, and whatever the hell else I feel like on a given day.

I’ve never thought of that… I’d probably let someone else give me some ideas.

Well, it’d probably depend on the boat, but maybe something music related?

Cats. Have been as long as I can remember.