RP Character Questions Thread - Ketziah & Jezebel

This week, the question thread will feature two more characters from the Blue Royalty RP! The characters for this week’s question thread are, Ketziah Drake and Jezebel Sloane!

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Then join the group tag and ask at least 2 questions this week.

@RPQuestions @BlueRoyalty you may be interested in learning more about these characters

Ahh meant to post this earlier, so it’ll last until next Saturday.


I now wish you the best since you’re going to have to deal with questions from me :slight_smile:

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Questions for Jezebel:

  1. What the fvck dude?
  2. Seriously, What the fvck?
  3. WHAT THE HELL are you doing?
  1. Who’s better in bed - Jordan or Mikel?
  2. How’s your relationship with Jordan right now?
  3. How’s your relationship with Mikel right now?
  4. Who are you leaning towards right now?
  5. How are you feeling now that you and Dan are friends again?
  6. Rate from 1-10 - Jordan and Mikel’s Kissability, Dateability, and Sexability
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(1) I don’t know
(2) I really don’t know.
(3) I really wish I knew.

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:joy: :joy:

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Woah, I should have expected that. They’re, different. Can’t really say one’s better than the other.
Good. Things are a little unclear still. A lot of old memories made fresh again, which mixes things up.
Well… It’s complicated. We’re kinda talking again?

How do I even answer that?
I’m relieved. Not even taking into account that we’re actually related, he’s been like a brother to me, so I’m relieved to finally have my best friend back.

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Jezebel: What the hell? They’re so different! Both scores would be for different reasons.
I guess I’ll go with 9 for both?
10 for Jordan, and 8 for Mikel.
And I’ll leave that one, up to your own imagination.

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Just realized I didn’t ask stuff on jez’s previous one


Opinion on Valerie?
Opinion on Andy?
Opinion on Theo?
Opinion on Gio?
(Ketziah) Why did you break up?
(K) Do you know he has a boyfriend now?
Opinion on Yara?
(Jez) How did you react when Daniel told you she cheated on him?
(K) why are you two no longer friends?
(K) did you know she had a crush on you in the past?
(Both lmao) Why did you and Jordan break up?
What are your plans for after graduation?

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What’s your biggest regret about both relationship?
What was your favorite thing about both guys?
Does/did it ever bother you how many people Mikel has been with?
Did it ever make you self conscious?
What was it about both that made you fall for them?
Did you ever hate Jordan when he left?

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What does your perfect day look like?
What does your normal, real day look like?
Which of your personality traits are you most proud of?
What are the top three qualities you admire in others?

Now I have to do this

Opinion on Dorian?
Opinion on Elodie?

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Hi guys! How are you? Favorite color?

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I like Val, we’re friends and get along well, even if we hadn’t talked much before this year.
Andy is a cool guy, again we’re friends.
Can’t really say much there.
I’m also friends with Gio.

Its kinda a mixed opinion.
I was really shocked and confused. I didn’t expect her to do something like that. I was mad at her for hurting Daniel.

He was leaving… There wasn’t much of a choice…
I’m not completely sure… College I guess, but I really don’t know what I want to do.


My biggest regret with my relationship with Jordan… stuff I should have said the day he was leaving. Stuff I regret not saying.
With Mikel, I probably should have told him about the relationship I had with Jordan before.

No, should it?
Again, should it?

Its the same with both of these. The way they make me feel.

No. Never. I hated myself more for it.

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As good as I can be currently I guess.

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What would you name your boat if you had one?
What’s the most useless talent you have?
Are you allergic to anything?
Know Any Good Jokes?
Favorite place on earth?

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What do you guys think of Marie?(pretty sure they’d know each other even though they haven’t interacted in the Rp yet)

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I don’t know Dorian that well, so he’s alright.
I know Elodie a lot better though, and she’s cool, and a friend.

Andy is an awesome dude, and a great friend.
Theo’s great too.
Gio’s really a good guy

Did we discuss that? I don’t remember.

He does? Good for him!

Yara… She’s a great girl, and she was a good friend, even if we’ve barely talked in so long.

I left, and we just kinda stopped talking.
Wait, she did?

Kinda depends on which time we were together you’re asking about.

Spending some more quality time with Kasper, otherwise we’ll see where life takes me.

D is awesome.
Elo’s great too, she’s so sweet and like D, I’ve known her forever.

Doing fine.