RP Character Questions Thread - Lucas & Mima

This week, the question thread will feature two characters from the Just Another School For The Gifted RP! The characters for this week’s question thread are, Lucas D’angelo and Mima Wanki Manklan!

Both of these characters are owned by @sarcastic_badass so feel free to tag her with questions for both characters.

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Then join the group tag and ask at least 2 questions this week.

@RPQuestions @PCEAStudents you may be interested in learning more about these characters


What’s your biggest regret?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to someone?
What’s the best thing someone’s ever done for you?
What style of shoes do you wear most?
Skirts/dresses, or shorts/pants?
Long sleeves, short sleeves, or no sleeves?
Best memory?
Worst memory?
Do you prefer digital or analog clocks?
Any hobbies?
Any pets?
If you don’t have any pets, why don’t you?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Favorite color?
Dream vacation?
What are your abilities?
When was the last time you lied?

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Mima, what do you think of Skye? What are both of your favorite colors? How’d you discover your powers?

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Allowing Sandy to invite Matthew (@Acorn06 character) to sit with us.


Trapping a friend of mine in an illusion that caused her suffering.

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?

: Same as my regret

Same as my regret

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to someone?

Well, there was a time I told someone they had a face that was so disgusting and ugly that I wouldn’t even use it to wipe my butt.

I told my grandma she smelled like wet dog

What’s the best thing someone’s ever done for you?

Sandy being there for me, and Carla too I guess

Someone complimented my skills

What style of shoes do you wear most?


Rubber boots

Skirts/dresses, or shorts/pants?


Pants and skirts

Long sleeves, short sleeves, or no sleeves?

short sleeves

no sleeves

Best memory?

Meeting Sandy and Carla, don’t tell Carla I said that.

Making new friends! Oh, especially Skye

Worst memory?

being forced into this school

My grandmother and this school

Do you prefer digital or analog clocks?

: Maybe I am an old fashion boy but analog clocks.

Digital, who the fck would choose analog? People can actually read analog clocks?

Any hobbies?

Playing the piano

Pulling pranks on people

Any pets?

Yeah, I had a dog named max before he died.


If you don’t have any pets, why don’t you?

Think my grandma

Have you ever broken a bone?


No, but right now this chair is uncomfortable and I am breaking a lot of bones so umm when would the interview be done? Just kidding

Favorite color?

Lucas: red


Dream vacation?

In bahamas


What are your abilities?

I can phase through things


When was the last time you lied?

: Two days ago

1000 seconds ago

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She’s cool



As I was playing the piano, my fingers passed through it.

I told a lie and everyone believed me without questions one day and I tricked my drunkyard of a grandma

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@Kristi - for both

  1. Do you have any siblings? Are you the eldest, middle, or youngest child?
  2. Where did you grow up?
  3. Did you have any pets as a kid? Did you want any pets?
  4. Did you play sports as a kid? Do you play any sports now?
  5. Do you speak any other languages?
  6. What’s your favorite place in the world?
  7. What was your first job?
  8. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid? What was your favorite cartoon character? If they weren’t the same, why not?
  9. Who in life has inspired you the most?
  10. What’s one family tradition you want to pass down to your kids?
  11. What’s a piece of advice your parents or grandparents gave you that you want to pass on?
  12. What were your favorite subjects in school?
  13. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were younger? What were they like?
  14. Have you ever been mistaken for someone famous?
  15. What’s your guilty pleasure?
  16. Looking back at when you were younger, what was your silliest fear?
  17. What is your current desktop or cell phone wallpaper? Why did you choose that image?
  18. Tell us about your worst hair day.
  19. If you had to give your car a name, what would it be?
  20. What’s your favorite knock knock joke?
  21. If you could choose to host a talk show, which one would you pick?
  22. What was your best Halloween costume? Worst?
  23. Tell us a story of an embarrassing thing that happened to you.
  24. What’s the last thing you got in “trouble” for?
  25. What would the title of your autobiography be?
  26. If you could add a word to the dictionary, what would you add and what would it mean?
  27. If you could bring back any fashion trend or old slang, what would it be?
  28. If you had to talk like a cartoon character for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Do an impression of them now.
  29. What’s the worst piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  30. If you had to eat a crayon, what color would you choose?
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Mima: Nope, the eldest since I am an only child.

Lucas: Yes, I’m the middle

Mima: Like where I lived or the country I lived or who I lived with?

Lucas: In a place.

Mima: YES PET PET but no no pets when Kid

Lucas: I supposed a bird

[quote=“Skyler2, post:7, topic:23218”]

  1. Did you play sports as a kid? Do you play any sports now?

Mima: Duh

Lucas: Too busy playing the piano

  1. Do you speak any other languages?

Mima: Uh… Idk

Lucas: Yes, English. I’m italian.

  1. What’s your favorite place in the world?

Mima: Ice cream parlor

Lucas:My room

  1. What was your first job?



  1. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid? What was your favorite cartoon character? If they weren’t the same, why not?

Mima: Spongebob

Lucas: spongebob

  1. Who in life has inspired you the most?

Mima: My grandpa

Lucas: music. Oh wait a person? Sandy

  1. What’s one family tradition you want to pass down to your kids?

Mima: Pranks

Lucas: Going to music school at age 4. My family are a bunch of talented musicians.

  1. What’s a piece of advice your parents or grandparents gave you that you want to pass on?

Mima: Don’t trust people who dye their hair blue

Lucas: Sometimes we make it in love but sometimes we loose

  1. What were your favorite subjects in school?

Mima: Bold of you to assume I remember


13. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were younger? What were they like?

Mima: Peteria (I know weird name) and it was fun

Lucas: I’m not a weirdo.

  1. Have you ever been mistaken for someone famous?

Mima: Pfff all the time (no)

Lucas: No

15. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Mima: Bold of you to assume I have one (liking the smell of my toes)

Lucas: Idk

16. Looking back at when you were younger, what was your silliest fear?

Mima: I was afraid that if I open the door behind my bedroom it would take me in a world in which I would have to marry my grandma ew I hate her and just ew in general.

Lucas: Not sure

17. What is your current desktop or cell phone wallpaper? Why did you choose that image?


because why not?

Lucas:image guess

  1. Tell us about your worst hair day.

Mima:Don’t have one

Lucas: No

19. If you had to give your car a name, what would it be?

Mima: Pepe

Lucas: Alfred

20. What’s your favorite knock knock joke?

Mima: Knock knock whose there? Ummm… my parents? Lmao nope and never it’s a knife!

Lucas:This is stupid

21. If you could choose to host a talk show, which one would you pick?

Mima: Jimmy

Lucas: This one cause it lacks taste.

22. What was your best Halloween costume? Worst?

Mima: Never celebrated Halloween

Lucas: Best: zombie mozart. worst: Cupcake costuem

23. Tell us a story of an embarrassing thing that happened to you.

Mima: I peed on myself /color]

Lucas: Can’t remember

goddam its longs, I would do the rest later

Hey @Kristi just giving a reminder that you had some questions left to answer.

If you want, I can go ahead and close the thread then if you wanted to come back later to answer more I can always reopen it. Or I can leave it open still.

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close the thread for now

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Alright, just let me know if you want to come back and finish answering the ones that were left.

Go check out the current week’s thread!