RP Character Questions Thread - Lyonrad & Tala

This week, the question thread will feature two more characters from the Blue Royalty RP! The two characters for this week’s question thread are, Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth and Tala Garzon!

Both of these characters were made by @Nil, so feel free to tag her with the questions for her characters!

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Then ask at least 2 questions this week.

@RPers @BlueRoyalty you may be interested in learning more about these characters!


What’s it like being royalty?


Who are your closest friends? Do you feel comfortable talking to them? Do you think they can keep your secrets?

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Favorite season?


What’s your favorite color? Do you like rock music?


To Both Characters:

Who in the senior class do you see as your biggest threat towards becoming Blue Royalty?

What about your biggest ally?

Are you single or dating anybody?


Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

I’m not a royalty… yet. I’ll tell you once I graduate.

Tala Garzon

I don’t know, but I bet it’s going to be great.

Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

I can remember no one, but I have “friends.” And about secrets… well, let’s see about that.

Tala Garzon

My closest friends would be Patricia, Dorian, and Mikel. Of course, I’m comfortable talking to them—they’re my friends, after all. I trust them with the secrets we share.

Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

Favorite season? That exists? Well, if this is required… then I’d go for summer.

Tala Garzon

I would say summer because of vacation, but I’ll go for autumn.

Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

Something blue and dark.
I don’t even listen to music.

Tala Garzon

Red? Black?
Yeah, I literally listen to it to sleep!

Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

Everyone knows Delilah for some reason… but whispers believe me when I say Daniel Parker.
Single, why?

Tala Garzon

I have not yet known anyone too close, but I guess everyone can be a threat.
I’m just about to figure that out, really. But if I see one of my close friends anywhere, then there’s your answer.
I’m single, and have been ever since 2002.



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Have you have been on holiday? Where’s your favourite place to go?


Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

No, but my favorite place to go is my aunt Lucia’s. She treats me well.

Tala Garzon

Yeah, I and my brother used to often to Japan. Japan’s also my favorite place so far.

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Who annoys you the most?
Who do you think is the most mysterious in school?
Who is the prettiest/hottest?
Where do you want to be after school?
Where would you go for a date?
Where are you most comfortable?
What are your hobbies?

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Do you have an app on your phone that you use even though you hate it?
How many apps do you have?
What app do you use the most?

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Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

Everyone who tries to bring me down.
No answer.
I can’t pick.
Aunt Lucy. Always Aunt Lucy.
An expensive restaurant, of course.
Always Aunt Lucy.
Updating everyone with my face everyday, exercise, and believe me or not—I have a journal.

Tala Garzon

Definitely home, though I would watch the sunset if I can.
Huh, I did not expect that, but I would like to go to the movies.
I’m most comfortable in my house, because you know… freedom where I can actually do what I want to do.
I love training, cooking, and jogging during sunsets. Oh, and I collect tags from clothing brands.

Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

Well, thanks for reminding me to delete this stupid editing app checks phone
Let me see… five… minus one.

Tala Garzon

Well, none really.
Only a few, I think.
This messenging app. I miss my family.

How important is becoming Blue Royalty?

Why do you want to be Blue Royalty?

How do you feel about not being chosen for the first list of Blue Bloods?

Is there any line you won’t cross to become Blue Royalty?

How have you prepared for your senior year?

Do you think you will successfully become Blue Royalty?

What are your plans for after graduating high school?

Would your plans change whether or not you join the Blue Royalty?

Who of your classmates is the most attractive?
What about least attractive?

What is the meaning of your name?

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Lyonrad Sei Fulcruth

Very important.

Because I want to reach what my aunt couldn’t reach then.

Horrible. It was not supposed to happen.

Nothing I know.

I’m always ready.

Of course. I can already see myself up there.

Just doing my things, along with my Blue Blood status.

Why does that matter? I mean, watch me become a Blue Royalty.


I don’t know what my name means.

Tala Garzon

It’s important to me in the way that I can finally work on what I want to work on. Also because I don’t want to lose a good challenge.

I hear it’s a good start on reputation.

Honestly, I’m a bit disappointed at myself. But anyway, chances are always there!

I guess I won’t really do something that could lose me what I already have?


Yeah, why not?

Nothing yet, but I want to go to a good university.

No, but being in Blue Royalty probably will.

I don’t know yet, but I’m sure they all are.

My name means “star” in Filipino.

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Closed since the week is up! Check out the current week’s thread!