RP Character Questions Thread - Orion & Lyra

This week, the question thread will feature 2 characters from the Revamped Lime Grove RP! The characters for this week’s question thread are, Orion Calloway and Lyra Calloway!

Orion was made by myself, but Lyra was made by @Nil, so you can tag us with questions for our specific characters.

Since Orion was chosen, that meant that Lyra could be part of the thread as well because they are siblings. Any time that a character that has a sibling made by a different RPer, both can share the thread

Technically this is Orion’s second Question thread as he was in the previous Lime Grove and received a question thread. However he has had his background entirely changed. So he may be the same character at his core, but he will likely answer some things differently.

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Join the group tag, then ask at least 2 questions this week.

@RPQuestions @LimeGroveRP you may be interested in learning more about these characters!


Hello, how does it feel to be stuck in Lime Grove?


It sucks, but it’s better than being stuck outside though.

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Well, to be honest, I don’t feel good about it because of my career. I have an upcoming movie to be released and I’m sad 'cause I can’t even go to promote it or do something for it. On the bright side, it’s okay. At least now I don’t have to worry about what I should do outside and can focus on my family instead. I’m looking forward to spend more time with Orion! Oh, and also our new kiddo.

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If you could get up and leave everything behind without a blink, would you?

  • Do you prefer being alone or with others?
  • Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  • What type of music do you like?
  • Do you dream? If so, what do you dream about?
  • In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)

I… I couldn’t leave everything behind.

I’d personally say I’m more of a realist, but if I have to pick between the two, I am a pessimist, which most people would probably agree.

Rock. and pop rock.
I do dream. Usually about whatever I’ve got on my mind during the day, but sometimes it seems more random

Im not really certain, but maybe a fighter?


@Nil we can also ask each other’s characters some questions, so feel free to ask Orion any.

For Lyra:

  • Tell us what you think about your brother.
  • When you were younger, were you closer to Orion or Pandora?
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Well, maybe for a few hours, yes. I do need a rest laughs but I can’t and I don’t want to turn away from my responsibilities.

I always prefer spending time with others.

I’m always positive about things and I always try to see the bright side, so I guess I’m an optimist.

Oh… pop?

I don’t really remember what I dream about, but one time I was falling so I woke up. You know that feeling when you think you’re actually falling but actually aren’t?

What’s that? looks at Orion What’s that?

I love Orion, but sometimes he’s too careless about his actions and it gets him nowhere good.

I can’t say for sure. I think I was fairly close with the both of them.


For Orion:

  • What is your biggest fear?
  • What do you think about Lyra as your sister?
  • With the current lockdown happening in your town, what do you expect with Lyra basically being always there at home?
  • I heard your parents’ business partner is also stuck with you in your house. How do you feel about this?
  • What’s your favorite part of the house?
  • Do you have a favorite parent?
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It’s a game Lyra. Mom played it when she was our age. Swords, monsters, and magic stuff.

I’d prefer to not say what terrifies me the most.

I get along with Lyra, she’s a good sister, and I love her. Don’t know why she hasn’t given up on me yet, though.

I’ll admit, its going to be weird seeing her all the time. She’s around when she can be, but last time I saw her this much I was just a kid.

Don’t get me started on that. I don’t like the guy, especially not being in my space around those I care about.

My bed?

Can I say Neither? I’ve got a lot of issues when it comes to my parents. If i have to choose a favorite, maybe my mother? I can deal with her better.

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Questions for both:

  1. How do you feel about a stranger living in your house?
  2. Who’s your favorite sibling?
  3. Do you know anything about Parker yet?
  4. Was kid number 4 a mistake? :joy: (I had to ask - I’m sorry)

Question for Orion:

  1. When you were younger, who were you closer to? Pandora or Lyra?

Questions for all:

  1. What’s up with your names? WHY are you all named after constellations? Does this annoy you? Would you ever change your names?
  2. Would you ever get a tattoo or already have a tattoo?

Don’t like it at all. Something’s off with him, and I don’t trust him.

Why is this a question?

Not much. But enough to not like him.

I will say, Percy was unexpected for everyone.

Pandora. She was my twin, and I still miss her.

Mom is a scientist, and she likes the stars, so that’s Kinda where we got our names. They’re all from constellations (It might be a star cluster for Pandora) And all of our names are Greek in origin. I think Dad just wanted our names to match well together by the time me and pandora came around.

Not me, but I like my name.

I haven’t come to a decision on it… will have him answer after.

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Oh… I see, well that’s interesting.

As much as I love to meet new people, I don’t feel comfortable about him staying. I mean, he’s welcomed and I guess him staying on the guest house is a good.

I love my siblings equally.

I don’t know him personally, but I know he has a good business going around. I hear his name from other celebrities.

I… wouldn’t say he’s a mistake chuckles awkwardly If anything, Percy’s a blessing.

What Orion said, haha. I’m not really bothered by it. I actually like my name and a lot of people do too, so I would never change it.

I already have one and GOD not again. Me and my buddies decided to get “friendship” tattoos, and I have it on my right ankle, here. Can’t say I regret it but I’m not getting it anymore. Never again.
@Megan @CerealKiller :eyes:



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hehe yes, we need to figure out what it is

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Question for Orion - If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Question for Lyra - What’s the best way to get back at someone who’s betrayed you?