RP Character Questions Thread - Ruby Danvers

This week, the question thread will feature another character from the Blue Royalty RP! The characters for this week’s question thread are, Ruby Danvers!

This character was made by @Ouijaloveletters, so feel free to tag her with the questions for her character!

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Join the group tag, then ask at least a question this week.

@RPQuestions @BlueRoyalty you may be interested in learning more about this character!


I’ll do more questions later but here’s one off the bat.

  1. What do you think about Daniel Parker?


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What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about cerulean?

Who do you think will become blue royalty eventually?

IM cUriOus

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Daniel Parker? The guy who prank called me and was my first match for that Valentines Day thing? Honestly, I think we’ll get along, believe it or not. I have yet to actually meet the guy, but he seems cool…

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I haven’t really been there long enough to decide. I hate school anyway and people p!ss me off, so…
I have no clue. Probably that Delilah b!tch if she isn’t already. Seems like she’d love the attention.

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Are you a part of the Blue Royalty? What would you do if you somehow became Blue Royalty?

No, I definitely am not. If I became Blue Royalty? Hahahahaha! There’s no possible way. I sure as hell am the least qualified person. It’s completely idiotic.

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  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
  • How often do you shower and what time of day?
  • What do you think the worst job in the world is?
  • Are you a fan of shopping?
  • Do you recycle?

Who are your favorite and least favorite person at cerulean?

Anywhere but here.
I shower every other day, in the morning.
Anything in retail. People are a$$es.
Eeeehhhh, no.
Yes. I’m not an a$$.

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I’d say Tala’s my favorite because I know her well and she doesn’t judge me. I despise that Delilah chick because she’s just plain rude. I mean, sure, so can I, but even I don’t go that far.

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Who would you most want to have gone to the Prom with?
How much do you want to be Prom Queen?
Will you be doing the tasks you got set?
How important is winning Blue Royalty for you?

…Honestly, that Zion person was cute even though I just met them. I fall in love way to easily. It absolutely sucks.
Hahahaha! Good joke.
I guess so. Nor like people can hate me more than they already do.
Pfft. That’s the last thing on my mind.

Well… I’m going to leave this open until tomorrow when I open the new week’s thread, so more questions can still come in until then.
@BlueRoyalty last chance to ask Ruby stuff.


I completely forgot about this.

WELL hello hello hello. Let’s welcome our next contestant on Bang, Marry, Kill. It’s so nice to have you on our game show Ms. Ruby Danvers. So for the game, we’ll give you three names and you have to - you guessed it - name which ones you would bang, marry, and kill. Here we go.

List 1:

List 2:



Zion’s last name is Pestana

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wheeze I’m on my phone, but I’ll get to these when I get to my iPad.

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Sorry! Changed it

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