RP Character Questions Thread - Yara and Jordan

This week, the question thread will feature two more characters from the Blue Royalty RP! The characters for this week’s question thread are, Yara Keller and Jordan Williams!

Yara was chosen for this week’s thread, and since Jordan is her cousin he was able to join her in his second question thread.
Yara was made by @CerealKiller and Jordan was made by @benitz786 so feel free to tag them with questions for their specific characters.

If you want a character to be in the running for next week, sign them up here! Then join the group tag and ask at least 2 questions this week.

@RPQuestions @BlueRoyalty you may be interested in learning more about these characters

Since I didn’t get this thread up until today, it will remain open for questions until next Saturday

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and remember, you guys can also ask each other’s character questions too

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Yara and Jordan, how do you feel about Candice? How are you coping with it?

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”I didn’t really know her well, but it’s sad, she was so young”

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Jordan: I’m… I’m heart broken. I loved Candice. She was one of my favorite people and the fact that she died on her birthday is a cruel twist of fate that no one ever could have expected. I… I’m coping the best I can I guess… I just hope her family is okay and I’m sending my prayers.

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Jordan, thoughts on Ketziah’s nickname for you?

Questions for Yara:

  1. How was Prom afterparty?
  2. How was broadway? Rumors say you had someone offer you a role in Hamilton - why aren’t you doing it right now?
  3. How does it feel seeing Daniel Parker Again?
  4. What happened between you and Daniel?
  5. Who is “Kai Azure” to you? When did you meet him? Is he good in bed/a good kisser?
  6. Who is Ethan Arden to you? Did you really sleep with him while you were in a relationship?
  7. Have you talked to Daniel Parker yet?
  8. Thoughts about Jessica Pierce?
  9. You’re one of the few people who follow Jessica’s finsta account. 1. What tf does she post? 2. Who follows that account/who does she follow? 3. What was up with that whole instagram hack?
  10. Thoughts about Daniel Parker? Was he a good kisser? How was he in bed?
  11. Thoughts about Ethan Arden? Was he a good kisser? How was he in bed?

Anddddddd it’s time for our favorite question thread game

Bang marry kill :star_struck:

Buckle up Jordan

First up:

  1. Jessica (@you)
  2. Elodie (@astxrism)
  3. Jezebel (@Littlefeets)

  1. Aline (@unsungcheerio
  2. Valerie (@me)
  3. Mady (@Madilnel)

  1. Tala (@Nil)
  2. Ruby (@Ouijaloveletters)
  3. Mareena (@angelic)

  1. Zion (@Caticorn)
  2. Selena (@Quinn)
  3. Delilah (@novella)



Jordan: Do you mean the “copycat” nickname? laughs I love it. It’s adorable - but I may be using it on her pretty soon from what I hear about her return to Cerulean High.













Oh boy


Jordan: I- Damn… maybe I shouldn’t have said yes to this interview, Yara nervous laugh I guess… we should just get into this.

  • First List: "This is so damn hard. I love all three of these girls with all my heart. I honestly don’t know what to say. Can I be the one who is killed in this scenario? Honestly… No? Damn it. I guess… I guess if I had to pick I’d marry Jezebel… make love to Jessica, and… god I don’t want to say this… kill… Elodie? Only because we’re such great friends that I can’t imagine sleeping with her if that makes sense? But I just want everyone to know I love all of these girls. @Littlefeets @astxrism

  • Second List: I swear you made these lists with a vendetta against me or something. God. I guess… I would marry Valerie. Life married to her would be a blast. I’d make love to Aline, and… I guess I’d kill Mady. Mady if you’re listening to this, I’m so sorry. @CerealKiller @Madilnel @unsungcheerio

  • Third List: Without a doubt, I think I’d marry Tala. She’s the sweetest girl and she has a killer ninja kick so If I didn’t pick her, I think I would easily get beaten up. I’d probably… sigh I hate this world… bang Mareena and I guess that leaves Ruby to get killed. Ruby… I’m so sorry. I love youuu. @Nil @Ouijaloveletters @angelic

  • Forth List: Hmm… out of this list, I think I’d marry… Delilah? I know what you’re thinking… but there was a time that Delilah wasn’t… like what she is now… and I’m still holding out on that part of her. I’d bang, still hate this word by the way, Selena - sorry Brandon! - and I’d… god this is a hard game… I guess I have to kill Zion. Sorry Zi! I still love you!! @Caticorn @Quinn @novella @Kbail


Disclaimer: I hate @CerealKiller for that


Why is this such an irony :joy: