RP Competition - Best Royalty RP Scene

The Best Royalty RP Scene

Since our theme of the week is Royalty, why not feature another RP scene competition based on the theme!
Just like the previous, LGBT, scene competition the goal is to have the best RP scene featuring Royalty.

As we are already part way into this week, you will have just over a week to post the best Royalty scenes. You have until 2020-10-21T04:00:00Z2020-10-29T04:00:00Z to post them here.

Theme Parameters:

As the theme is Royalty, the idea of royalty and high ranking titles must be clear in your scene. You can interpret the theme as you wish with a spin of your own, but it must relate to the theme clearly, preferably featuring a royal or an individual of high rank.


  • Entries can be from any RP from any time, whether dead or alive.
  • The theme must be clearly expressed in your scene.
  • Submit your entries on this thread. Make sure to include which RPer you are RPing with.
  • There is no post minimum or maximum. Same goes for the number of posts between you and your partner.
  • You can make an entire Royalty RP scene by yourself, but doing it with at least one other person is encouraged.
  • Characters can be from any RP, that happened at any time. A thread will be made so that you can play out your scenes if you can’t do it in an RP.
  • Please keep things PG-13. And if you’re going to swear, censor it with an * or a - or a symbol or literally anything you can think of

The Prizes:
Just like last time

  • You get a shoutout on Instagram of your social media handle(s), if you want
  • A part of your scene will also be featured on Instagram, as well as your characters
  • Bragging rights

Thank you to Chid for the structure, rules, etc that I took from the LGBT scene competition thread.



Can it be from a 1×1 RP in pms?


Yes, as long as you can post the scene here and it’s pg-13.

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@RPers, do you not want me to create another RP badge that you can win?


Wanna try?

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How :joy: none of them is royalty :joy:

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lol, we’ll make a new one :rofl:
plus, Lor is rich as F, he’s the closest thing you get to royalty in that universe

or you make that guy who’s oganizing that party to be a royal :rofl:

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True true. :joy:
But I was talking about my 1×1 with @Mouschi that’s ongoing through Pms. I have a character who’s not only royal but also future king of the whole universe (basically OP as F!) :joy: remember making this one?
Then I have Alex from Breaking Dawn from Astro and my RP :thinking:. Hard to choose

I’M ALWAYS DOWN FOR NEW THINGS, ESPECIALLY ROYAL STUFF :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:



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You can choose multiple to post here.


Anybody have any scenes that they feel could fit the theme of Royalty? @RPers
Today is the Last chance to submit a scene here. You can interpret the theme however you wish, but scenes must be posted here today.


Oof, I don’t know… I have something in my mind but I think that it might not fully fit this theme…

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The theme can be up to interpretation, so as long as it can fit the theme, representing royalty/high status in some way, I say go for it.

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Got half a mind to submit a CHB scene slkjslk

Guys… nobody has submitted a scene… you have a little more time today, but if nobody submits a scene, there can’t be a winner…

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Sorry guys… nobody submitted a scene and the competition is over… so there can’t be a winner…