RP/SG Types That Are Too Similar

On an individual basis, its not uncommon to think of how two RPs can be similar, but what about the types of RPs and SGs that you come across. Are certain types of RPs too similar to each other?

Are there any types that you think always have RPs or SGs that are too similar?
Are there certain types of RPs or SGs that are similar on a larger scale?



Not naming any 'cause I don’t think we have any at the moment. Though just thinking about it previously, particularly concerning the new ideas thread. I think that when an RPer creates an RP or SG that works, we suddenly see multiple more ideas show up with very similar ideas or genres.


alexa play copycat by billie eilish


cant think

I remember a few rp’s that were based around the same serie/movie/anime they weren’t all active at the same time but I would be like… ‘wait , didn’t this one close?’ and then see it is made hy someone else.

But idk if they aren’t there at the same time I don’t see a problem tho

Overall, high school based RPs are often very similar. They’re easy to create, the ages of the characters are similar to many RPers, and they can overall be very enjoyable, but with the similar setting, they can often become too similar. Each has its own ways of standing out against the others, particularly when done well, but the type overall leads them to be quite similar.


All the ‘fancy highschool murder party’ RPs that pop up here every month or so :eyes:

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Elite XOXO and Lime Grove, as well as Blue Royalty, but that’s only because of one aspect: having secrets. I don’t know them well, except from BR, so I can’t say they’re actually too similar and I believe they are unique in their own ways.


In general, school RPs/SGs. I know that it’s more fun to write characters that are in their teens and stuff, but I want an RP or an SG that takes teens and puts them in an environment where school isn’t the main focus, in fact it’s barely even there. Like Lord of the Flies or something.

Y.E.S. I mean I wasn’t apart of them, either. And I’m gonna get screamed at for agreeing with this-
but it’s still kinda true.

Also, most apocalyptic RPs are similar. the ones that have to do with zombies, of course. because you can do a lot with the apocalypse and obviously not everyone just goes for zombies but it’s the easiest archetype by far.
What do you think @RPers