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You have been summoned to start your training at Camp Aversion. You have been hand-picked by our leaders because of your baffling expertise in your field. We’re sure you’ve noticed the recent disorder in Everkeep, and hope that you understand the role you play in reinstating peace and order in our beloved country.

Your teachers are eagerly awaiting your arrival…

The year is 1251. You live in Everkeep - one of the many countries on the blue and green planet known as Utoria. It is a country with a chaotic past that finally seemed to have calmed down around three hundred years ago, when the ancient royal family, the Aracelis, were removed from power by a mysterious club called The Golden Rose Society. No one truly knows who the members of this club are or what they do. The only thing most people know is that the members wear a pin with a golden rose on it. But despite knowing so little about them, the people felt they could trust them more than the flamboyant royals. However, recently, the people have started to get rather angry with Everkeep’s leader, mrs. Quinn Tumulak. Revolution is in the air.

You have been offered a place at the training camp β€œCamp Aversion”, hidden deep inside Everkeep’s dark forest, away from any prying eyes. There - you, and a number of other people, will be divided into four different groups, depending on your skills and personality: The Carers, The Soldiers, The Developers and The Deceivers. You will then receive the training required in order for you to then be sent out on the battlefield. You have no idea whose side you’re supposed to be fighting on. There’s not even a war going on when you arrive at the camp! But something tells you that the things you will learn and the people you will get to know here will have a lasting and very important effect on you.

Want to know more about the roleplay and Everkeep’s history? Click on the history book!

Welcome to our roleplay!

I doubt that any of you will remember this, but back on the Episode Forums, I had this idea to create a whole new roleplaying universe with a group of people. The universe would be very similar to our real-life one (no dragons and such, still the same amount of land, etc.), but we would create our own history from scratch and decide everything else about the world together. The idea was that we would then create a series of different roleplays that would take place in different eras of the world’s history.

Soon, I found my group of people, and on December 15th of last year, we started the project. And a few days ago, we were finally done planning the first installment in the β€œHeroes of Utoria”-series. This roleplay.

So, a huge round of applause for my awesome co-creators! Even the ones who decided to drop out of the project after a while :sweat_smile:: @wanderingechoes @sunflower.flow @Wynter141 @/coco.queen @raviola @Parix @Littlefeets @Tellyg47 @FuzilladeBlue and @katabasis!

Now, it’s very important that you ask questions if there’s anything you find confusing about this roleplay and/or universe. It’s probably going to be quite easy for me to think that everyone will understand everything since this group and I have been constantly talking about Utoria like a place that actually exists for some months now. :sweat_smile:

Quite a lot of the information you’ll need to know can be found in the history book (aka the faceclaims) up there ↑, but I’ll try my best to gather as much of the remaining information and lore as I can over here. ↓

  • The utorians count their time by the number of years that have passed, and also have names for each era.

  • The utorians have the same names and system for numbers as we have.

  • There are eleven gods that all of Utoria believes in.

  • Our stories will be centered around what we call Europe. This will be called something else later on.

  • Our first story will start off by what we call western Europe being one big country ruled by a council. This country will not include what we call Ireland and the United Kingdom at first.

  • At the start of our roleplay, Everkeep is about as developed as our real-life world was in the early 1800’s.

  • Everkeep has its own language called Utanina.

  • Their currency is called Blue credits.

What Everkeep looks like

Examples of female clothing

Examples of male clothing

The Groups

The Carers: Taught by β€˜coming soon’. The Carers primarily learn to care for wounded soldiers. That means learing to grow useful vegetables and herbs, cooking healthy and long-lasting meals and treating different injuries and diseases.

The Soldiers: Taught by β€˜coming soon’. The Soldiers learn how to fight. Whether that is using weapons or their own hands doesn’t really matter. They learn which techniques to use in every possible situation and how to defeat their opponents in the fastest way imaginable.

The Developers: Taught by Suri Hamadani. The Developers work hard to create the most effective weapons and strategies on the market, long before their opponents can even imagine such weapons.

The Deceivers: Taught by β€˜coming soon’. The Deceivers get professionally trained in mind games, making them the future leading experts in tricking everyone into siding with them, despite that person’s own opinions.

Other Things
Servants in Everkeep
  • There have been servants in Everkeep since The Unlightenment Era.

  • The servants have been treated okay. They’ve been allowed a week off at most, but have been forced to work for many hours at a time. They’ve been able to provide for their families.

  • These conditions have been the same for the servants as time has gone by.

  • The servants have been treated like anyone else, what they did for a living didn’t change the way they were treated.

  • It’s tricky to get out of being a servant, but it is possible.

  • If your parents were servant, it would make you one, too.

  • There are equally many male and female servants.

  • The servants have not been treated differently depening on their gender.

  • It’s normal for the servants to be mistreated by their employer, (insluts, sexual abuse, physical abuse).

  • You need to be at least a middle class citizen to afford to have servants.

  • A servant is old enough to start working when he/she turns 13.

  • A servant has to stop working when he/she turns 60.

  • At the start of our roleplay, people think having servants is a natural thing and nothing problematic.

  • Some people in Utoria are unable to see the color blue. Some also have an implant in their faces. Every morning, they select the type of look they want through a device. The implant then receives that signal and creates a hologram or masking layer/screen thing over that person’s face that mimicks that makeup

  • The number three is very unlucky and people often want to avoid anything that comes in threes.

  • The number eleven is very lucky, since Everkeep’s belief in the eleven gods is so strong.

  • There is a national day of gift-giving.

  • Every country has its own language. (However, to make this easier, we will of course keep roleplaying in English for the most part)


β—ˆ Do not godmod too much.

β—ˆ No one but me can make time skips.

β—ˆ You are only allowed to create three characters.

β—ˆ If you’re signing up as multiple characters, you have to sign up as one of each gender. Your third character can be any gender you’d like it to be.

β—ˆ Killing/hurting other people’s characters is okay, but you have to check with them to make sure they’re alright with it, and then with me to make sure it doesn’t interfere with the plot at that moment. These things should then be described in a way that doesn’t break the forum’s rules.

β—ˆ The same can be applied to romantic scenes between characters. It is allowed as long as you follow the forum’s rules regarding this.

β—ˆ All posts must be written in third person and past tense.

β—ˆ Battles will work like they would in an SG. You will get to choose what your characters do, and I will then summarize and also make some decisions about what this results in. I will, of course, do this as fairly as I can.

β—ˆ Be kind to each other!

β—ˆ More rules can be added to this list after the roleplay starts.


The Carers (5)
Male Characters (1)
  • ’coming soon’ - @/elgenbloskenwriter22
Female Characters (4)
  • Mona Tiana Abaddon - @/cuteswede
  • Brinley Ballantyne - @/CallMeRebeka
  • ’coming soon’ - @/Secreterz
  • ’coming soon’ - @/MeghanWrites [/details]
The Soldiers (5)
Male Characters (2)
  • Derek Laurence - @/cuteswede
  • ’coming soon’ - @/Owertym
Female Characters (3)
  • β€˜coming soon’ - @/melancholy
  • ’coming soon’ - @/MeghanWrites
  • ’coming soon’ - @/Owertym
The Developers (4)
Male Characters (2
  • Nelio Ballantyne - @/CallMeRebeka
  • ’coming soon’ - @/Secreterz
Female Characters (2)
  • β€˜coming soon’ - @/melancholy
  • ’coming soon’ - @/Owertym
The Deceivers (4)
Male Characters (3)
  • Seth Abaddon - @/cuteswede
  • β€˜coming soon’ - @/melancholy
  • ’coming soon’ - @/MeghanWrites
Female Characters (1)
  • ’coming soon’ - @/Secreterz

Having trouble figuring out what type of character you want to create? I find that I get more creative and inspired when I look at photos. That’s why I created THIS board on Pinterest. Feel free to use anything from here, but make sure you don’t accidentally pick something someone else has already chosen. :wink:

𝔖𝔦𝔀𝔫-π”˜π”­ 𝔉𝔬𝔯π”ͺ


Since we can only have three characters, should we have at least one boy and one girl character each. The third character can be whatever the rper wants.

1 Like

Sure, that makes sense. I’ll add that to the rules!


Why telly?


It’s all come together neatly :hibiscus: !
Do I still need to reserve and stuff ^^’? If so I’m going to reserve all 3 possible characters ^^

Thanks! :blush:

Awesome! Which groups will these characters belong to? :thinking:

1 Like

Your welcome ^^ I’m so lucky to have seen this grow, I shall forever brag about it hehe

A female soldier and developer with a male deciever

So will I! Couldn’t have done it without ya babes x

:+1: :+1:

1 Like

I would love to reserve one female (carer) and one male (developer)!

1 Like

one male carer please swede!




Oh my I’d like to join :pleading_face:

Reserving for
1 Female Carer
1 Female Deciever
1 Male Developer
pls :heart:


Of course! :blush:


Can I reserve a female deceiver and soldier, female healer, Male deceiver and Male soldier?

1 Like


1 Like

YAY! This looks so awesome :smiley_cat:

Have you thought of asking for a group tag for this rp?

Thank you!

And no, but I don’t really know what that is, haha :sweat_smile:


Oh! But you can only sign up as three characters. :grimacing:


Uhhh cancel the Male soldier? :sweat:

That would still end up being four characters :thinking: