RPers General Chat

I haven’t written anything serious for a while soooo, not really lol.

Ooof, those are a pain.

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Awww that sucks :pleading_face:

I’m putting off doing sign ups for a whole bunch of RPs because I don’t have ideas for characters

I know :sob:

Some pre-built characters might be nice as opposed to having full sign ups :thinking:

I’d still need to find a good way to display the information in it or a website that will

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I’m putting off signups because if I signup for more I won’t be able to keep up. Keeping up with CHB, POA and revamping BOE not to mention helping a friend, my language threads, my independent studies I have to email my guidance counselor…someone should ban me from signing up lol

I’ll look into some websites.
You got some adventure ideas?

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I definitely know the feeling :joy:

there’s just a lot of stuff that looks interesting to sign up for :pleading_face:

vague ones at the moment

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The RP section is full of amazing peple wit amazing ideas

Ooh, well let me know if you need any help at all <3

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I also found WordAnvil which @/CrazyCaliope posted

THey even have a section for DnD

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Hiii, how’s everyone?


I kinda have an idea but school is starting soon and idk what to dooo

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LG vol 3, don’t judge :joy:
I still have to go over details but this time there wouldn’t be a blog


Yes bye

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Do it eee

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I think I figured everything out



I wanted to change the plot or whatever and I think I figured it out :((



You did a beautiful job, just saying.

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Hi everyone :wave:

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