RPers General Chat

I’ve been alright! Stressed though even though it’s summer. How about you?
But yeah, I think it’s been since January or February since I’ve been on the forums

Ahhh Sofia, hi!

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Hi! How are you?

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I’m doing good. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you on here.

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That’s good! And it has been a while! I was reminded of RPing yesterday and then went on the forums lol

Hi, just wondering if this is ok?? If not, I can totally fix things.

You know you can just edit the poll in and out, yeah? Just edit the post by replacing it with a new poll.


i tried, but you can’t edit a poll after the first 5 minutes


Challenge accepted


you could have actually just put a new poll under, or deleted the poll and created a new one


but then don’t I lose who voted in the previous one?

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yeah but you can keep their names though or maybe tag them again?

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oh wait this sentence is dumb

but yeah

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Ok, I made a new one

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That’s why I said two edits. Break the poll at first and save. Then edit the poll. … OR just create a new poll and delete the old.

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But you don’t know who voted anyway ‘cause the poll is/was anonymous.

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HEEEEEEYYYYYOOOOO! Sup mah beautiful bishes. I hath missed you all.
Why am I back? long story.
on a much shorter story.

Who here has read ‘The Selection’ and who would be interested in making an RP about it??? I would do it myself but as we all know I suck at making RPs. :sweat_smile:
@RPers ???


I would love to be apart of it, but as of rn i’m too busy to help! Love it! Although i believe it was @Skyler2 who created a selection rp already, so I think you may want to ask for permission from her first.


It’s more than okay with me!
Maybe this time I’ll take my own crack at tryna win.


I already mentioned this in my last PM but if you would want to start one up again I would love that!!! :grin: :grin: