RPers General Chat

So true. Foolish mistake they made. Episode recs?
Alright, promise to check back in on it within 24 hours.

Nice. So snacks and going out with friends or savings too? What’s the job?

Yeah, me too. But I think it’ll be years before that happens, the Covid is right now. I lived in both Seoul and Moscow but have visited a few other countries.
Nooo… mistaken again. Not true. HA. Though speaking of perfect writing (yours), I hope you realise I’m already claiming a first conversation with your character(s) in Brooke’s RP. HEHEHE

Oh yeah, which country? I would go for the obvious guess but give my track record, I’d probably be wrong. HAHA

Yeah, recommendations for Episode since the community trending tab for each genre is just saturated with bad boy/mafia/billionaire stories.
24 hours, gotchu.

Just snacks and going out with friends lmao. And buying expensive sh^t if I want to. I’m a pharmacy technician. My major was originally for pharmacy but so that’s why I took the job because it would’ve helped me with becoming a pharmacist but then I realized becoming a pharmacist was something I didn’t wanna do so I switched to comp sci.

Oh my god, that’s so cool. How did you like it in Seoul and Moscow? Was the culture shock crazy? Hopefully you’ll be able to travel a lot more after the pandemic.
That’s all you Caliope! Your writing is really off the chain and I’m greatly honored you want to be my first conversation!

Haha, Bangladesh. I was born and raised in New York, though.

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It’s been a while since I’ve been on these forums but I was reminded of RPing yesterday and now I want to RP again

I also want to make my own RP again but I doubt I have the time right now so I’m trying to hold off lol


Feel that so much


ooh what sort of rp do you want to make? or do you just know that you want to make one lol


Did u reserve for Kevin orange juice too

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I didn’t, I was/am thinking about it but it might be too realistic for me since I’m in the situation where I’m in college and have suitemates and things haven’t been completely great on that front lol

Also whatd u reserve for

idk how to explain lol, like it might be too realistic in terms of what I’m going through rn? idk if that makes sense
I made a character for Quantum Enhancement

also maybe we should take this conversation to dms because it’s off topic lol

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Sorry guys, moved it here 'cause it’s an RP conversation and not about the scenario game.

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Ooh no that’s better! I didn’t know you could do that, that’s cool

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Yeah, it’s a leader ability, lovely. So any of our amazing leaders can do it.


historical fantasy pretty much :joy:

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I don’t think I ever figured out how…

But you’ve done it before. Scroll to the bottom and click on the wrench, then click on ‘select’ in the menu. Select what posts and move.

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Oohh. Thanks.

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what happened to all the rps?!


Many are slowing down (apart from BR), but a few are starting.


Aw :c


Awww? But the few that are starting are at the signup stage.