RPers General Chat

Can I read it Pwease?

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Can I not show it pweaseee :pleading_face:
Itā€™s embarrassing

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(pouts) ā€¦ Oh, is it in a PM with yourself?

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nope, google docs

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:thinking: Donā€™t mind me. Your conversation is just giving me some ideas


what ideas?

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can you read private pmsā€¦?

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A way to do some ideas Iā€™ve had for a long while/a newer plot idea. Stuff I envision RP-wise that I just wouldnā€™t be able to make work as an actual RP the same as I envision in my head. And further development of stuff between my own characters.


Ah, oki.

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Oh, nice.
Would asking you how many pages it is be being too nosy?

What do you mean, here? Uhā€¦ yeah. If El and I need to, we can. Like if a user comes to us with a situation thatā€™s happening in a PM and they would like help with it. Sure, thatā€™s when we can. Although we have access to them, why would we do that. I struggle to read and answer own PMs, HAHA, let alone go into anyone elseā€™s.

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So, I need help with coming up with a kingdom name for a place near Estonia and Latvia. I only have one idea. Might use it, but ideas very appreciated. It has to be made up, just sounding Estonian. @Kristi, halp. Youā€™re on, and this is for your Rp. Iā€™m too uncreative to think of anything.

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Elguia Ina




Eti Guaunua


Una Kingdom


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Those are good! Hereā€™s what I have.

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thats nice

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Sounds great.

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@idiot.exe I havenā€™t yet replied on the Alone rp so no

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Random request, guysā€¦ can I please have some numbers between 0 and 2897?

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Cool. Thanks. Do you just wanna suggest one?

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