Screenplay books and writing

So do you like reading books that are just screenplay?

What I mean by screenplay

Basically the script for a play. It would look something like this:

What should we do today?

points to building.
We should go over there


So yeah

I think that screenplay books can be quite fun to read, but I’d probably prefer just a normal book.

Writing screenplay could be easy and hard. If your someone who hates describing the surroundings then this could be the thing for you to try out with writing. However you may struggle to show what is happening if you can only do speech and nothing more.

This is weekly then related because it’s a script which is related to film :sunglasses:

P.S. if you want to try write a quote screenplay then please post it on this thread I’d love to see it!!!


I like writing like this


“Ok?” Lily says.
“Ok.” Maya says.
“Ok.” Lily says.
“Ok.” Maya says.
“Ok” Lily says.
“Ok” maya says


Lol no offence but that would be quite a boring story to read if all they say is “ok” :joy::wolf::revolving_hearts:


Lol I know it was an example :joy:


But writing like this is fine.


Lily: Ok?
Maya: Ok.
Lily: Ok.
Maya: Ok.
Lily: Ok.


I don’t know about writing like thus.




I’m not a fan of that type of book. As I said on the Harry Potter chat, I didn’t want to read The Cursed Child because it was in that format. I lose interest in that type of story because I love description not just dialogue in a normal book format.

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Yeah so do I, scripts can be tedious to read. But when they are done well it can be really good.

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I like that they’re very structured, which makes it easier to read them, but I easily get distracted or unmotivated when I read such a book because there are almost no descriptions :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:


If I were to read a book in Italian then I would read a script because there won’t be as many words that I don’t know the definition of.

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It’s good for people who try to learn the spoken language, but it’s often just hard to read, because I usually see the descriptions between dialogues as a break for my brain to process what was said :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

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I never really thought about that. :upside_down_face:

I’m quite quick at translating though

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I’m quick at translating too, but it’s still easier when you have some descriptions. It also helps the readers to feel more connected to the scene or the story when you describe the surroundings and what is happening. :eyes::sparkles:

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Yeah definitely

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Bump. :white_heart:

This sounds interesting. I still prefer normal books, though.

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I prefer normal books.

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For me it depends on the story. Some stories can be really great as a screenplay and other can be pretty boring. I think I prefer reading normal books :smile:
But I’ve written a screenplay some time ago and it wasn’t that easy at the beginning but after some time it was fun


I personally quite enjoy writing screenplay stories but can’t read them for sh1t because I get bored :joy:


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