Secret Santa: Sign Ups!

Definitely a sketchbook, Poska Paint Pens,And, umm… I cannot think of anymore. (You probably already guessed I love drawing)


It needs to be something that someone can make you, like a drawing, a poem, new profile picture and things like that. I wish we could do real items but I’m not sure that is a good idea because everyone lives so far away from each other.

Oof. I don’t know, but for skills I will definitely do a drawing for someone :wink:


Actually a poem would be NiCe


I will add those two items to the list then!

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Thank you for joining!

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No problema

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What if you have no skills in anything? :thinking:


What can you do for someone? It can be anything from a story, art, or even a happy note for someone. If you want to pm me about this you can.

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That’s the thing…I’m not sure if there’s anything I can actually do. I’m bad at art, writing and most things…


I’d love to participate, though. :white_heart:

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You can still join! We will help you find something you can do! For now, just list what you want for christmas. We can pm about the other part with Rose, okay?


Ok. :white_heart:

I’d like a new pfp. :heart:

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Okay, I will added it to the list!

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Thank you. :purple_heart:

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No problem! I will message you in a minute.

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Yasssss can’t wait!

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I will let you know when the main thread is made!

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I’ll join !

What I want: A short story or a self-made christmas card.
What I can do: Make anything art related ,write poetry and-or little short stories