Shakespeare's Words, Phrases, and Language!

Yay, more Shakespeare! As someone who has both read and performed Shakespeare, I know that the language he uses is very particular. Everything he says is for a reason. He’s also created some of his own words. I’m going to compile some of the ones that are still in use today and provide links to other lists of his phrases.

Thou - you (singular, informal, subject)
Ye - you (subject, plural)
Thee - you (object…“to you”)
Thine or thy - your (possessive, singular)

Art - are
Dost - do
Doth - does
'Ere - before
Wherefore - why
'Twas - it was
More terms - Here

Phrases he coined that are still in use today
All that glitters is not gold - The Merchant of Venice
All’s well that ends well - All’s well that ends well
Break the ice - The Taming of the Shrew
Refuse to budge an inch - Measure for Measure/Taming of the Shrew
Come what come may - Macbeth
Dead as a doornail - 2 King Henry VI
A dish fit for the gods - Julius Caesar
Eaten me out of house and home - Henry III
The world’s my oyster - Merry Wives of Windsor
Wild-goose chase - Romeo and Juliet
What’s done is done - Macbeth
Love is blind - Merchant of Venice
Knock knock! Who’s there? - Macbeth
In a pickle - The Tempest
Full list - Here


I love ‘in a pickle’ :joy:


I really like the fact that these terms or variation’s of these terms are still used today. I remember my English teacher had alot of shakespeare tattoo’s, mostly hidden but you could see the one on her foot when she wore slip on shoes, plus she showed us.


It really is interesting how many you use in day-to-day life


There are sooo many that we still use today. I will try to make a favourite list when I finally sleep and wake.

Also, El, as this is a Sunday task, shall I name you or just change the task?


oof if someone had signed up for it then change the task, if no one has just name me thank you


I’m sure many of his phrases fell out of use, but I think sticking around for centuries really show how impactful his plays were :eyes:

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