Shannii's English Help Thread

See: ‘Only the blackest of savage tribes’ as a direct Lovecraft quote

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I knew the first part but not the second part. That’s really interesting. Because he literally named his cat the n word it’s surprising that he did a complete 180 like that.

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Mostly on gay people, being racist in the US was just normal at the time

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Look into the Gothic genre in general. The focus on duality is fascinating to me

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I’d love to like read more of him and look for that shift. He was probably afraid of everything that was foreign to him, which is why if he had gay friends then that shift would occur because he’d get more used to them.

Have you seen the Color Out of Space yet? It stars Nicholas Cage lmao. There’s a scene where he’s just throwing tomatoes angrily into a sink :joy:

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He was very afraid of foreign things, and to be fair, that’s where the idea of cosmic horror came from. The most foreign things are terrifying, unknowable alien creatures who exist on a level we simply can’t understand.

That idea fascinates me, but it is linked to his bigotry. We need to acknoweldge that obviously. Similar to like. Golden age cartoons having those intrinsic links to racism. I love cartooning, but I acknowledge those roots!

I have, but I stil ldon’t think there’s ever been a good Lovecraft film :joy: My favourite Lovecraft adaptation isn’t even a direct adaptation, it just uses the same ideas. Bloodborne, my favourite videogame ever


I get grossed out easily so I couldn’t watch the whole thing- it was shot good and had good camera quality and great shots and stuff like that but the plot was like Riverdale bad.
It’s cool to see beliefs of certain time periods through time, you can really track how/when things really started changing through writing.


Bloodbourne and Skulduggery Pleasant being awesome for their Lovecraftian links :smiley:

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Ahhh, yes bloodborne is the best adaptation of his work, and Skulduggery just whips out those cosmic horror themes out of nowhere :joy:

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I wanted to ask this on discord but since there’s a thread about it, I’ll just do it here :smile_cat:

Why is there a S at the end of “forums”? For me, the s means it’s a plural but it’s just one forum? or one forums?

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In general it’s seen as multiple forums if there are multiple parts to the forums! The switch from “forum” to “forums” was a very gradual one I didn’t know was happening, tbh, but I guess we say “general forum”, “Restricted Section” and “Patrons’ Lounge” and together they would make up “the forums”


Does that mean this would be correct:
“ShanniiWrites Forums are great.”
“The general forum is great” ?




Thank you!



Hey this is pretty helpful! Alot of people are going back to school so I think it’s important to keep this thread active for those who may need help.


Should there be Shannii Tutoring link within this thread, do you think?

Closed due to inactivity