Welcome to the ShanniiWrites Awards 2020
Hi there, last year I hosted the 2019 ShanniiWrites Awards, now I really wanted to bring it back for 2020. The general idea will be the same, with some slight adjustments in the division of categories and with some help from @anon68003072 and @CerealKiller!
How will it work?
We will have 4 different categories this, people, posts, threads and a specific category for RPing. I will specify this later. There will be 2 ‘rounds’, first everyone gets to nominate through an anonymous form, then we will have a vote on each category. In each of the categories, you have 3 nominations. The nominations will be until 2020-12-30T23:00:00Z, and then the voting stays open for a week or so after. Also, I want to encourage everyone to try to not only look at your friends but also to nominate others!
The Categories
Kindest user
Funniest user
Psychologist of the forums
Wistest user
Best artist
Best writer
Best debater
Raddest user
Funniest post no memes
Best meme
Most informative post
Most original truth
Most original dare
Best thread in the discussion category?
Best thread in the book category?
Best thread in the film and TV category?
Best art thread?
Best thread in the music category?
Best thread in the gaming category?
Best thread in the anime and manga category?
Best thread in the school category?
Best thread in the health and beauty category?
Best thread in the food category?
Most educational thread?
Funniest thread?
Most positive thread?
RP/SG category
Best RP
Best SG
Best RPer
Best SGer
Best RP ship?
Best bromance/friendship
Best written character
Best faceclaim
Nicest fc presentation/sheets
Until the 2020-12-24T11:00:00Z you are able to suggest additional categories if you feel like something is missing.
Link to nominate people
I hope everyone has fun with this, and doesn’t take it too seriously. It just a rad way to look back at everything that happened on here in 2020!