Share a quote/scene/dialogue from your story!

Share something from your story! Whether it’s some quote you’re proud of or something hilarious your character said or some particular scene that you love!


  1. Do not promote your story here. We have a sperate section for that.

  2. Do not leave a link to your story or tell us where we can find it. If anyone’s curious, they could reach out to you to ask!

  3. Please don’t be rude to anyone and follow the forum guidelines! :smile:


A quote
“Right then, I realised I was a stupid idiot.”


not proud. but a thing I find funny my humour is not worth much which my fairy princes says. it’s from a not published story I am working on



Hmm, but I am proud of a scene where as minigame you controle a drone :eyes: this is more focused on direction I am proud of but still…


that looks amazing


Thanks! It really was a struggle but when it was done I was so happy!


I know the feeling are working with mini games in my new story and one of them just wont work.


If you need help you can always message me!


thanks. I think Ill take you up on that offer


“Don’t apologize for something you couldn’t control. We can’t control our lives.” - Vincent Thornton, Halloween: Deadly Nightshade, episode 1


This is a story I’ve been working on…

“What you call a ‘good dream’ I call a ‘bad dream’, because when I wake up I’m sad that it wasn’t real, and being sad is not good, so it’s not a ‘good dream’.” - Lucy Brackett from Misfits.


“Just because I’m an idiot doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” - Kito, Kito


“This is for everything you’ve done. All the crimes you’ve committed… The people you’ve killed, the blood on your hands, the power you selfishly and wrongfully hold.” - Kim (I couldn’t find a “black” surname that would go with her first name) Hwayoung, Halloween: Deadly Nightshade


“I didn’t like looking at her face for that long.” - Granny Norma from The Story of Paige (I’m working on this for episode, and am likely to change the title)


Medium small bump


“Sometimes, the books are wrong.” - Marissa Finch, Misfits.

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“Who knew that beauty could be so ugly?” - Rosemary Clermont, Halloween: Deadly Nightshade


“Reading fiction isn’t supposed to make you feel depressed!” - Emilianna Saab, Miss Understood.

When Emilianna meets her students (3rd graders, elementary school), the reader can see her inner dialogue after each one introduces themselves.

JAY JAY: My name is Jay Jay, I’m kind of cray-cray, and I love to par-tay!"
EMILIANNA: That is so not okay-kay.

RENATA: I’m Renata, the smartest and most beautiful girl in the class.
EMILIANNA: Also the most obnoxious, from what I’ve noticed.

RODRICK: My name is Rodrick Liam Montgomery the Third. I’m a Math champion and a soccer star.
EMILIANNA: As well as a major jerk.

ALDO: My name is Aldo, and I like legos and superheroes.
EMILIANNA: Good, because only a superhero can clean out that pigpen you’ve turned your desk into.

PRIYANKA: My name is Priyanka. I’m Renata’s best friend.
EMILIANNA: You mean ‘her minion’.


“Some people are blessed. Some are cursed. And others… simply wish for a blessing, but end up cursed. I wished for a blessing, and ended up cursed to get the blessing.” - Angelina Thornton talking to Cynthia’s spirit after becoming Chairwoman

tryna write my own interpretation of fortnite lore + it’s characters and i’m having a lot of fun exploring the visitor. here’s some snippets!

“You’re nothing but an amalgam of spare parts. A test run. Disposable.”

It wasn’t pain in the same way humans felt it. Not blood dripping down his metal skin, or anything that would elicit a scream or cry. It was sensors and alarms in his head firing off in his head; so noisy and overwhelming it disoriented him. And it was fear. Real fear.
Paradigm wouldn’t kill him before he’d served his purpose as one of The Seven. But she could make every waking moment of his life before that a living hell. For the first time in his life, he felt scared.
Fear, he learned very quickly, was one emotion he didn’t like quite as much as the others.

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