Share photos of your tabletop game collections!

I have so many different pictures that I could take for this, but everything’s a bit chaos at the moment, so it’ll have to wait. My family has piles of games and D&D miniatures pretty much everywhere :sweat_smile:

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Alright, here are my games, though only the ones in the games wardrobe and not including ones that aren’t in there, nor any of the puzzles above.

Some of our collection:

What do your collections look like, @Gamers?

Also, are there any @Discussions people who are also Gamers (video or tabletop) and wanna join the tag?

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Wtf is bed, wed, dead?


BAHAHAHA! It’s actually a game my mum bought herself in Aussie, it’s basically “F^ck, Marry, Kill”

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I had a feeling, that’s something my dad would get

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I’ll post mine when I.get back home:)) (Friday)

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HAHAHA! Really?

Oooh. Exciting.

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