Share what you got for Christmas this year

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

I just got done with unwrap my gift this Afternoon.
I got a new pair of tennis shoes,bracelets,candy,piano book and music sheet and a smoothie maker.

So I’m pretty happy for my gift for now.

Tell me what you got this year. Did you get the different stuff?

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oooo I hope you had a Merry Christmas!
I got a pair of nike blazers, a pair of like fur crocs, perfume, candles and etc stuff from bath and body works, american eagle giftcards, lipgloss, and jeans

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The Office — The Complete Series, two new board games, Nineteen Eighty-Four and a horror book, some new body wash & lotion, clothes and an iced coffee machine! It was funny because we opened a few gifts early and I had two random ice trays and a milk frother, they had me guess what I thought it meant so I guessed I would be getting a barista set. Pretty close, right? :joy:

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Also got a new pair of jeans because my mom is tired of me wearing pants that don’t fit. Apparently I’m a kids 13/14 :rofl::rofl:

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I got a Tarot deck, and a palm reading deck, chocolates, booze, Pokemon Sword and Violet, hot chocolate bombs, and some other stuff. Yes, I’m making spiked hot chocolate.

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Cool :sunglasses:

Nice, and I have hot chocolate as well but it peppermint or salted caramel flavored.

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If you want to see what color I got from Christmas was this and it pink. Yippee

But it did come in other colors. But I haven’t used it yet but going to try as soon as I can.

I did wear my new tennis shoes and they’re comfortable. If you need shoes try this one.

They do have other colors i would say

Just try my blender and holy smokes it was delicious. I used banana, peanut butter and chocolate in my smoothie.

Closed as Christmas has well passed now