Share Your Dating Horror Stories

Any reason? :grimacing:


The entire of our relationship played out in school


My fault really

My brain is a bit stupid and it basically made me believe that if I left the house for anything except school then something bad would happen. Also I was very nervous.

Still he was my first kiss


That’s fair enough. I was the same! I lost so many friends because I was too anxious to leave the house


Yeah same most of mine gave up and stopped asking so by the time I felt ready to be leaving the house more nobody wanted to meet me but it’s better now :joy:


Hot for a black woman?

Seriously bro?


…hot…for…a…black girl…:woman_facepalming:t5::woman_facepalming:t5: I wanna say so much right now.

Okay so like I’ve never really been in deep relationships not like my current one anyways. And so I had this boyfriend last year or two years ago I forgot but he was nice and a good friend but he ended up cheating and I ended it. But I was just thinking about our first argument because like after two weeks he told me he loved me and I just wasn’t ready to say that so I said thanks but I’m not ready to say it back yet and he was so mad that I told my friend I loved him tho but that was a friendly I love you it was something but I’m honestly happy he was kinda my last till my current boyfriend who’s sweet even tho idk what’s happening now but yes it’s all good.

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I dated an older boy in kindergarten for a month and had my first kiss with him… it still feels awkward when we have to see each other :rofl: (thank god it’s been a long time since i last saw him)


I’ve been single my whole life, so I can’t tell my own but my ex-best friend got asked out by her friend and she thought he was meaning like as pals not dating so she went out with him and his heart shattered

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That’s the funniest thing ever.


That’s the worst.

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When I was 18 years old, I went on a date with a guy named Matthew and realised that he was only using me to make my ex-friend jealous. The date was a bit of a disaster to be honest, we went to watch Cabin In The Woods and out of freaking nowhere, he kissed me without my consent. I felt that he was too keen on me that he’d think I’d give it (the it means the v) to him but I refused to so I stopped talking to him by unfriending him on Facebook. Pretty strange that the ex-friend didn’t know about the date and she also told me to say no if he asks me to be his gf or go out with him because apparently she would be hurt even though she was with someone else.


I had only one really bad experience with dating.
Maybe 2 or 3 years ago I met a guy, through social network I think. He was 10+ years older actually, but I was 25, so it didn’t bother me. He was interesting to talk to, and very opinionated, plus super tall and fit so yep. One thing I noticed tho, is how he is very dominant, even in slightest things, like ordering in a cafe without asking me what I want. I brushed it off, although it bothered me. I guess i was feeling bad vibes from him, but I wasn’t in a good place then, and I needed someone. Anyway. We were sort off dating, although we never actually established if we are dating, but we kept hanging out, I stayed at his place etc. Then there was one event. Was some kind of celebration, we were staying at his place, and we were drinking too, then we were intimate. Next day I didn’t remember some late part of the evening, but I notice him being very quiet and sorta cold. I was driving him to work from his place, since I had a car. We stop at the store, and he asks me if I want to apologize for something. I’m completely oblivious, so I say no. Then he slaps me on the face really hard. It was quite a shock, because it seemed completely out of nowhere, and also because I didn’t understand what I did. Long story short, I tell him to get out of the car, he refused, then I started the engine, to drive home, even tho he is still in the car. He turns off the engine, and I get really scared. Luckily he just stopped the car and got out. I was shaken for a couple of days, and I also tried asking him (distantly of course) why he did it. Not because I thought it could’ve been justified, but I just wanted to understand what was going through his brain. Never got the answer.
Well it taught me some things. Like trusting ur gut if u think that guy, or any person for that matter, is not good.


I’ve never dated anyone, but I’ve been dragged along as the third wheel a few times.

I remember once my friend went on a date (I went with him), and his girlfriend brought her best friend along. While they were busy, we just stared at each other and did nothing. That was…awkward. :grimacing:



I woulda punched him tbh

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Second hand dating horror story! :scream:


I woulda choked the bastard.

You really wouldn’t. He could’ve hit back, and he was much bigger and stronger than me.


Well… I wish I could. You’re right.


That’s awful! It just goes to show that no one is safe. I mean, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one on here who sees you as someone who’s street smart and who can handle yourself. If you can be thrown off guard like that, then we should all be safe!

I don’t blame you for being shaken. That sounds like a hellish experience! I hope nothing like it has happened since!