Share your (favorite) RP characters!

Hi hi :wave:

I wanted a place where we can share all the wonderful characters we made and just talk about them.
I will show my presentation with some of my characters in there:

I think my favorites are Sarah (rip I couldn’t finish that RP due to circumstances), Abigail and the 2 characters for my own RP, I’m excited to be RPing with them!


I think my favorite is Lorene Meyer… And Jack Napier… hmmm, I actually like all of my characters. But these two are probably my favorite


Omg, Changing Directions??

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No, the stranded one, haha, Changing Directions will continue for sure, I’m excited to be seeing how so many characters all with mental issues and stuff react to each other :rofl:

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I’ve just taken up RPing again, and I’m actually really enjoying all my characters. I’m trying to branch out from the one personality type (perpetual dumbass) I would play every. Single. Time. And I’m glad I did, it’s been pretty interesting playing characters with half a brain cell (for the most part).

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Aura… I seriously love all of my characters, but something about that sassy princess I just can’t help but adore. She was my manipulative b*sh, and yet she was so complex, and her growing relationship with Namen… Ugh, twas beautiful.

But I seriously treasure all of my FTD characters, and I like my MAR and Stranded characters too.

RPBump ^^

I love harlow sm let’s pray to god she doesn’t get eliminated tomorrow smh my head

also idk if we’re allowed to put other people’s characters but im low-key in love with lucy

I think my favourite RP character would have to be Mariana López from Elite XOXO (even though I’ve only posted for her a few times on the episode forums), because of the very long storyline she has before the RP starts and I’m really excited to start the plans I have between her and other characters!

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Maybe my character Emma lockwood in CHB


I think I have a couple of favourite characters from many different RP’s.

One thats on the top of my list would probably be Ryleigh (i cant remember her last name) from Seven Seas. I think I liked her the best because her personality was amazing and I loved the relationship she had with the other characters in the RP.
Another character I really liked was Lili Monroe from a group RP in a pm, which we sadly did not finish, but she had so many amazing plans with the other characters that I was super excited for. She was like me in a sense, and I liked having a character I could relate too!

Anyone have any characters from recently that are their favourites!?


I can’t decide :joy: Probably…Aidene, Evanthia, Haneul, Karan, Hazel - oop :sneezing_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: It’s a super long list

Just adding a tag!

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Added another tag!

I love Jane and Korbyn so much. My goth babies.

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boi, i hate to break it to you…


oops wrong thread lmao


I just purely love Merthiel without any reason. Maybe it’s because she has a separate personality from others and it’s fun writing rolling eyes all the time :star_struck:

Closed due to inactivity :white_heart:

favoritism is unfair but we can’t stop it…