Share your favourite book quote!

Hey there!! This thread is for sharing your favourite quote from a book. To make it a little more fun, post the quote without the book title and have others guess what book it’s from!

Here’s mine: “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”


"It will. Things always work according to their nature. She has won her heart’s desire; she has unwearying strength and endless days like a goddess. But length of days with an evil heart is only length of misery and already she begins to know it. All get what they want; they do not always like it.”
~ Narnia by C.S Lewis


I don’t have a favorite… and I’ll come back to this topic for sure hehe

This is a good one!

“Forty-two,” said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm. ~ the answer to life the universe and everything


“I think that if I ever have kids, and they are upset, I won’t tell them that people are starving in China or anything like that because it wouldn’t change the fact that they were upset." - The perks of being a wallflower


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‘It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.’
-The little prince


Cute! I’ve never read it but I have the book in French and I watched the movie, it was great


“He saw things in a way that others did not, so that a city I had lived in all my life seemed a different place, so that a woman became beautiful with the light on her face.”
-Girl With A Pearl Earring

Oh, Gandalf :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :dizzy:


There’s a tough fight over my second favorite

”I’m in love with you," he said quietly.
“Augustus,” I said.
“I am,” he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

”You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world…but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.”


“…stupidity is one of the two things we see most clearly in retrospect. The other is missed chances.”

- Stephen King, 11/22/63


HAHA, I have a few:

“Dream big dreams,because little dreams have no magic"
“Let your inner DORK shine through.”
“In spite of her cute little angelic face and pink sneakers, Brianna is actually a baby Tyrannosaurus rex"
“We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.”
“Becoming fearless isn’t the point"
'My mother’s death was brave"

If you can’t guess, I’ll type them out again :joy:


“ Millard! Who’s the prime minister?"

“Winston Churchill,” he said. “Have you gone daft?”

“What’s the capital of Burma?”

“Lord, I’ve no idea. Rangoon?”

“Good! When’s your birthday?”

"Will you quit shouting and let me bleed in peace!” - Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children


Added favourite :eyes::sparkles::green_heart: :grapes:

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‘To whatever end.’

-Rowaelin , Throne of Glass series

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who was I fooling that’s not even close-

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye

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I don’t really have one singular over-arching favorite quote, or ones for each book.

I know that The Little Prince has already been written multiple times, but man did that book really make me cry at the end-

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I find it hilarious that everyone’s favorite quotes are so philosophical and mines just “Will you quit shouting and let me bleed in peace?!”


lol, one of my favorite quotes from Six of Crows is this classic:

“Kaz leaned back. “What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet?”
“Knife to the throat?” asked Inej.
“Gun to the back?” said Jesper.
“Poison in his cup?” suggested Nina.
“You’re all horrible,” said Matthias.”


“In life, it is very important to be our own self, work on our terms and conditions. Be your own self. When you are wearing the boots of a person who was a Legend, the worst thing I can do was to copy him or be him, because I could never be J.R.D Tata.”

~ The Wit & Wisdom Of Ratan Tata

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