Share your 'Literally, Nobody Asked' facts here!

I saw this on the Episode forums, and I’m doing it for the #activity-challenge !

Basically, you can share random facts about yourself, likes and dislikes, interesting truths, or anything that comes to your mind at the moment!

I’ll start.

I never learned to snap my fingers.


Anything that comes to my mind. Death is on my mind…idk why but it is…


I can’t talk to anybody about my mental issues, especially now that I’m quarantined, so hopefully I won’t explode by the time that this is over. :upside_down_face:


Whenever I see two character of the same gender communicate/interact, I always wonder if they gay or not :joy: :joy: (but ofc, there are some moments where my gaydar triggers and says, “Yep they are.”)


I don’t know how to ride a bike


If it makes you feel better, I didn’t learn how to ride until I was 11 - 12.


Fun fact: I forgot all the thousands of facts I knew, strange.

Hi, I’m Oofalumpa, 568, and I never fricking learned how to whistle.


Whenever you swim anywhere near whale territory, there’s an extremely good chance you’re swimming in whale sperm.

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There is A whale that is forever alone because it has a different callingsound and swims around the ocean looking for their family and is also called the 52 hertz whale.

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I used to take a spoon and dip it in a nutella jar and a peanut butter jar, licked it and called it a homemade Reese cup :sob:

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I had to lick my fingers to snap and people would laugh at me :flushed:

I didn’t properly learn how to tie my shoes until I was like 10 :no_mouth::rose::two_hearts:


Online people think I’m older than my real age for some unknown reason. I still don’t know if I should be happy or sad about that.

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It happens to me IRL.

I hate shrimps

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Added the #activity-challenge tag :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

I am the fastest female runner in my whole school

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People think I’m weird when I tell them that I don’t eat fried sweet plantains with sweetened condensed milk like 90% of people in my country, but with hot sauce instead.