Share your weird lucid dreams

Imma share one of mine—
I was playing as one of my characters Stephanie, and I was with a girl and a boy. Apparently they were so bad at magic because they kept going to a whole buncha witch/wizard schools. At the end we were in a fountain room, with a clock and a fountain, and a treadmill. I asked their names so I could tell ppl the dream I had, and the girl’s name was Annie, and the boys name was Tom. Aanddddd I woke up. (I SWEAR I don’t like Harry Potter.)

Anyways, share YOUR weird/entertaining lucid dreams.

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I hvae never lucid dreamed but im gonna try to today omg :running_man:

I wanna try lucid dreaming so bad but have no idea how to :pleading_face:

If I could I’d prob lucid dream every night and have so many to share


I haven’t been able to lucid dream yet.

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