Should all drugs be legalized?

This is sort of a hard one to have an opinion on, personally. Especially when I can see the reasons why drugs should be legalized and why drugs shouldn’t be.

What do you guys think?

If we all live once, shouldn’t we be allowed to do whatever makes us happy. If this is our only life we live that we know of, shouldn’t only ourselves be in control of our own life? Where is the fine line between doing what we want and doing what we shouldn’t?

Should we keep the drug laws in place? Why or why not? Should the ages we can access certain ones, or the ones that legalize some for medication purposes be lifted and be legalized, medicated or not?


Legalize the drugs that can actually be used for a medical purpose, like marijuana.

I know some state in America legalized possession of all drugs and instead made it so that you’d go into rehabilitation instead of prison

And I think that was an interesting idea, because I mean, addiction is a disease right, so try treating it instead of just sending them to prison

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An old friend of mine has turned into a pothead, and I honestly have no issues at all. I’d smoke it too.

Yes. Legalize them all and tax them as hard as f-ck.

Drugs are used to heavily exploit people, the drug bussiness is a dirty one and no one gets in there by choice. More often than not they are forced and threatened especially in countries where they have no protections. The people who farm the drugs have often no power or money and are forced to do so or else they and their family will be or harmed or killed. These drug cartels and bosses get so rich off of this, and they are currently untouchable. If you arrest these farmers or distributers they’ll just get new ones and there’s too much of a market and not enough manpower to arrest and stop all the illegal drug dealing. Legalizing them would completely change them, people could buy them from stores without worrying about danger and the entire black market on drugs would collapse. These drug bosses wouldn’t hold any power with their money flow stopping as pharmuctical companies compete.

The issue would then be the danger of these drugs. Some of these drugs are so deadly it takes one hit to kill you. First time, dead. That’s an issue, an idea that’s come up would be tax them very high + educate the consumer but of course the education would take time and tax wouldn’t stop a dedicated buyer…

(Also reccomend the Netflix show The business of drugs, hella cool and informative)

I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to legalize drugs and tax only drugs, and that money should be used by the government. Maybe getting rid of taxes from everything but drugs doesn’t sound that crazy. :thinking: Considering the legalization will definitely bring the demand up super high, and if you decide you want to ruin your body with the drugs, you should pay a lot. And then if the economics is brought down because people find it too expensive, then we’re honestly saving future drug addicts or people who die of overdose.

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E x a c t l y

Instead of making profit off of saving people’s lives and buying what they need to survive through taxes, we should make profit off people choosing to higher their risk of death willingly.

And if that law was put into place, we should definitely talk more heavily on drugs in school. I think doing that might create a possibility of people learning to not overvalue cotton.

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I think with that in mind, it should be monitored and people should earn their way to being able to own drugs.

But with that in mind and the fact people are people…I think it could be legalized and let people damage their own selves AFTER giving them a lot of warnings.

Even if it’s not legal, people still go ahead and do things. No matter what, people don’t listen and do what they please, for whatever reason, risky or not.

I’d say I don’t actually have an opinion on this but I can see all perspectives.

No…? How would that be any good? Maybe marijuana, but I guess it should be given to people who have a prescription and actually need it.

One big thing too, people seem to forget that even if weed is illegal, people still get their hands on it. Even if it’s legal and they limit the thc amount or whatever, people are still gonna go out of their way to get something that is stronger, and yet, way more cheap! I guess the idea of taxing people who consume legal marijuana makes sense, but then that would mean most consumers would stop buying it legally.

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