In each game, the player pieces vary. In some, it’s merely a token that matches the others in every way aside from color or the player pieces are designed after specific objects or characters, but in others the player pieces are designed as male or female figures.
Should all player game pieces be gender neutral, or at least have gender neutral options?
I think it would be nice, but it doesn’t have to be required
In fact, why do gender colored pieces even exist?
All game pieces should be gender neutral. Istg a lot of companies believe that only two genders exist in this world. This need to change. For example, the Game of Life.
I think that the certain colors are actually interesting. Like, in Clue (or Cluedo apparently) Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. White, and Miss Scarlet don’t abide by the common female pieces. In fact, Mrs. Peacock is represented by a blue token and Miss Scarlet by a red, both of which are deemed as “male” colors.
However, in the Game of Life it’s so gender biased. It would be so much cooler if there were other colors. Not only that, but the gender of each character doesn’t affect the game in anyway.
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Sure, it probably wouldn’t affect the game in anyway it’d just be nice to have
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I don’t think I even own a game that doesn’t have gender-neutral play pieces Yes, all games should have that, especially because in games, gender doesn’t make any difference (unless it’s a super-specific game idea that I’ve never heard of…)
@Gamers What do you think about this?
When I heard that, I thought of chess. Save for King and Queen, some can be seen as gender-neutral (knight, bishop, pawn) or having no gender (rook).