Should I Get A Guitar Or A Keyboard?

So… I have rich grandparents who are asking me what I want for Christmas and I can’t decide- idk if I should get a guitar or a keyboard.

  • Guitar
  • Keyboard

0 voters

A keyboard doesn’t have all the keys that a piano has, but it would be easier to play than a guitar, but a guitar is a guitar… it doesn’t have like anything missing or anything like the keyboard would.


You could get an 8 octave keyboard if you wanted to

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Keyboards also have a lot of settings to play around with

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I have a keyboard! :musical_keyboard:
I never use it though :joy:

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The good thing about it too is that it’d probably be easier to order off of amazon lol.
(It’d be less likely to be a bad malfunctioning guitar)


Were you thinking of getting an electric or an acoustic guitar?

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Okay :joy: it probably wouldn’t be malfunctioning but you would have to learn how to tune it


I’ve got a keyboard and I love it l! You can even connect it to your computer!

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My sister also wants to learn piano so it would be a good thing to get for both of us.

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Well, DECIDED! You will probably get a BEAUTIFUL keyboard and make some BEAUTIFUL music.


I’d say guitar personally, as they don’t need to be plugged in! much more portable!


I have both and I recommend a keyboard because it’s more fun.

The only con being guitars can hurt the tips of your fingers when you first start playing! Until you develop the necessary thicker skin


I play violin, so I am used to it but it probably would be different! But I have decided to get a keyboard cuz it would just be easier to learn than a stringed instrument.

Thanks for the help everyone! I’ll be closing this thread now! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::clap:

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