Should people get paid for promoting other people's work?

I think it has depended on what type of work you are promoting, being honest. If it is a published novel, then yes, you need to pay someone to promote that work. People make ads for their books, plus if you go on certain websites, you would see book trailers. If you are an episode writer who is not using gem choices but just published a story, you shouldn’t have to pay for people to promote the work since you are not getting paid for it. Now, I’m not saying that episode writers aren’t real writers, but what I’m trying to say if you are not getting the full royalties without another company, you own all the assets you used, then you should not need to pay for promotion. Let me know what you think about being asked to pay for promoting your story.

Should people get paid for promoting other people’s work? What are your reasons for Episode paid promotion?


If the promotion is just “Please read this story: [STORY NAME]”, then no, they shouldn’t be paid.

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Completely agree with this!

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I still agree with this.
Butttt, if they make a good effort, then yeah, they should be paid a bit.

@Discussions Should promoters be paid?


I think it depends, honestly? Like, for example:

Promoter 1 was asked by the creator themselves to promote them, then they should be paid in some way. Promoter 2 like the story and promoted it—this was not requested by the creator and is unaware, so I believe there isn’t a necessary payment, unless the creator wants to out of gratefulness.

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I would say if they make money if their work and those people are consistently helping, then yes.

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if its potential competition yeah
otherwise thats kinda extra lowkey


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