Should people/minorities really have to protest/stand up for their rights and equality? 👀👀

Just a random rant/discussion, feel free to ignore it! :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:
So, I’m studying for an exam and one of the texts we have to know for it kinda irritates me because it makes it sound like it’s a bad thing when the government “forces” equality by creating a law for it without asking the more privileged people, because in this case they won’t have to accept/agree to it. It explains it by saying that it’s less democratic this way. But does that mean that the book thinks that the majorities have to agree for minorities to be treated as equals? Should it really be this way?? :eyes::eyes:
Wouldn’t it actually be a good idea if people got the same rights and were treated the same??

(The text was about/ the example was that women were kinda equal to men in the DDR by law(because they needed more workers, so they were allowed to do the same stuff as men), but that in the BRD, they weren’t and only became more equal later one when people started protesting, so it’s more democratic because the people showed their support) (maybe I’m.just misunderstanding the article, idk :eyes::eyes:)


I said this on discord as well, but I think that’s a dumb thing to do

when making laws for minorities, they never ask for our opinions on them, they just set them in place

and obviously the term “minority” says that they are not the majority, so we really shouldn’t have to protest, just get equal rights :eyes:


They shouldn’t have to! We shouldn’t have to. What’s the point of discrimination??

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Bruh, r u serious? They are making it seem like minorities deserve to be treated with less privileges. :man_facepalming:

And no, minorities deserve to be treated the same as others. If they are human, and we are human, then why can’t we be treated the same way. The fact that there’s the need to protest is upsetting.

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Minorities should be always be involved in discussions about their rights, they should never be left off the table and frankly since they actually suffer from issues that can be created by them not being included, they should be allowed to take the lead in these discussions. However, I think everybody should be able to vote on them. But no matter what, minorities should always have a voice.

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