Should people who don't get the covid vaccine be punished?

There’s a thread about if the COVID vaccine should be mandatory here and a punishment would be going along the lines of it being mandatory.

Also, before anybody mentions people getting covid despite having the vaccine I do want to mention that the vaccines never claimed to be 100% but they do protect against the virus and honestly there is no good reason not to get one. They’re offering boosters now.

Now, in terms of punishment I think yes but not jail or a fine. I think they should be heavily restricted in what they are able to do publicly, freedom of choice doesn’t mean freedom from consequences after all. Also when you choose not to get a vaccine that puts not only you at risk of getting sick, but the people around you. If a vaccine reduces that risk, take it.

@Discussions come and discuss


I can’t say I agree. Coming from a country where we’ve never been forced to do much, I can already see that it would only divide my country more. if they set in the 2G rule (Only vaccination and recovering QR will be accepted no longer an official test) to do fun stuff, that’s when things will go wrong here I think.


I honestly don’t really care if it would upset people who actively choose to not get the vaccine, if it was a matter of them not being able to get it, that would be different. It’s not fair to the vulnerable people around the person choosing not to get the vaccine who is increasing the risk for themselves and the people around them.

It’s like how people who refused to wear masks were told not to go in shops or public transport they have that choice but since it’s a choice that can have a huge impact on others, they recieved consequences.

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At some point everyone should just say ‘everyone had their chance, we are going to throw everything open’ and survival of.the fittest.

But I know there are those who chose to wait bc of pregnancy, or because of their believe, you can’t punisch people for that.

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I mean it’ll probably happen but I don’t agree with it at all that’s basically just

Even though the vaccine is shown to have no links to pregnancy or infertility? If it was shown to have those links they’d fall into the “unable” category. Also it may sound harsh but if you don’t want to get a vaccine because of your “belief” then I still believe you should be restricted on what you are able to do in public. Yes you have the right to practice your religion, other people don’t have to potentially suffer for that though. Especially since the whole beliefs thing was based on misinformation about ingredients in the vaccine.


Nothing is scarier than the unknown. And with people not trusting, people don’t risk the health of their child. They think they are doing what’s best.

I’m not trying to be the devil’s advocate, but speaking of only my country I know it can’t be forced

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But it’s not unknown, if they don’t know it they should talk to a doctor about their concerns, they showed there is no link towards the vaccine and complications with infertility and pregnancy, ignorance isn’t really an excuse.

My suggestion isn’t forcing it :eyes: the choice is still very much there you would just then be restricted in what you were able to do in public because you’ve refused to lower your chances of getting covid just like when people refuse to wear a mask

I don’t know what’s it like in other countries but here you can’t go to restaurants, bars, shopping malls… after 8pm if you’re not vaccinated and I think that’s fair

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That’s what we’ve done here. If you haven’t got it then you can only do the basics of life (groceries and doctors). Going out places requires a vaccine passport.

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It depends on why they don’t get the vaccine.

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Do you think you could elaborate? :eyes:

I just can’t think of a good reason not to get it unless you are genuinely unable to because of allergies or it’s not available where you are etc

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To be honest, as someone who lost a granddad, I really don’t give a rat’s a** if some idiots think that they know better than the scientists. It frustrates and annoys me when people in my own life believe all this bullsh!t fake news and I just don’t care about how much it upsets people anymore.

I don’t think they should be punished for their stupidity. However, there are some people not being paid sick leave if they refused the vaccine and then got COVID. Seems fair to me. Same with saying people can’t work in public-facing jobs if they don’t have the vaccine.

The people least likely to get the vaccine are often the ones saying “jUsT gEt A hIgHeR pAiD jOb” anyway. So maybe they should find a job where their idiocy doesn’t affect other people.


I haven’t even lost a relative and this is my general stance


Right? My dad was umming ahhhing about if he was going to get it and I just couldn’t even talk about it with him anymore


It’s irritating when all the information is readily available and so easy to find but people ignore it and think they know better


And the worst thing is how Facebook and other social media websites are spreading all of this crap. How are we supposed to progress as a society if every little thing needs to be a like a bloody witch hunt?


To be honest the most irritating thing I see on Facebook is people comparing it to like, abortions and stuff when it’s nothing like that

Like yeah both arguments are “you can do what you want with your body” but an abortion only affects the person who gets one in terms of their health, refusing a vaccine can potentially kill you and other people, it’s a different thing on a different scale.


I completely agree! Also, abortions are life-changing. Having a baby is life-changing. Getting a shot? Only changes a couple days of your life. I feel exactly the same now as I did before. Nothing changed xD