Should Primary schools teach about LGBTQ+?

Maybe, maybe not. I was never close to my parents anyway, I pretty much lived childhood without them bc of neglect and abuse, whilst my school didn’t talk about it at all.

I met some people online when I was 13 on discord, and I entered a mental health community. I made some friends that I’ll never forget there. The point is, that was where I learnt most about LGBT+ people, and that was when I started thinking about my sexuality. I’ve never felt ashamed to be panromantic demisexual, and I think this is because I was encouraged by the community to own it and not be ashamed. I was taught that people will hate, but that it’s part of you, and that it’s ok and should be embraced. I have very low self esteem, and I hate pretty much all aspects of myself, but I have never once hated not being heteroromantic/sexual.

I actually told my little sister when she was 7 or so about the existence of LGBT because my parents don’t talk about it, and I wanted her to know that it was normal and ok from a young age. I told her something along the lines of,

“You know how you really, really liked that boy earlier this year? Some girls might like girls in that way, and some boys might like boys. But some girls might like boys and girls, and some boys might like girls and boys. Some people might like all kinds of people. And I wanted to tell you that both is ok and normal, even though you might not see people with the same gender together often.”

I then proceeded to tell her that some people don’t like LGBT people simply for being LGBT. She then immediately said,

“That’s stupid. Who you like shouldn’t matter. As long as they are nice, it’s ok.”


Yeah they’re very scared that other people have better more interesting sex lives than them. Kids don’t know or care about that, they’ll just find it more normal if they see gay and lesbian couples alongside hetero couples just being treated as normal.

Like, imagine if the localisation of Sailor Moon wasn’t changed horrifically to be nasty and incesty? There’d be a really nice representation of a lesbian relationship that people could have latched on to


I love how people would much rather the lesbian couple be related even though they were very clearly a couple. Priorities, people!


I wonder how many of the people against this would claim two same-sex parents going to their child’s parent-teacher night would be inappropriate :thinking:


Incest - if we’re simply going by western cultural exports (you know, step-mom/sister p*rn) - is way more accepted on the whole than non-hetero couples. Isn’t that a lovely thought. Next thing you know these heteros would rather f*ck their dogs than see a lesbian


They genuinely try to say the Nuclear family model is proven as the best, because people who are against this kind of thing are clinically stupid :joy:

It is literally proven to just be a more is better thing. Gender and sexuality does not matter. Being raised by parents is just healthier if there are 2 of them, typically. (And being raised communally, with a two-parent unit in a communal area among other family units that intersect is proven to be the healthiest way!)


Probably. I never knew much about the LBGTQ+ community, so it took me some time to realise my own sexuality. :thinking::white_heart:


Cheerful :eyes:

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I don’t think they should learn about LGBT in primary school because they are too young to know about these things. Fair enough if you tell them that LGBT people exist but I think it’s best for children to stay out of that topic because it can be very confusing to them. Also, it does sound concerning to me that they would start using “gay” as an insult to other children. I can see that it can lead to bullying in a way because I do remember back then, kids in my year used “gay” or “lesbian” as an insult or to start rumours.


In my primary school, we’ve never been taught about heterosexuality, we just talked about puberty and how it should change our bodies and “some feelings”. So I think it wouldn’t have made much sense to tell us about same sex couples. But teaching us about being transgender or non binary would probably have helped.
I think that if they are going to talk about sexuality, teachers should be as inclusive as possible


I think not even necessarily teach about LGBTQ+… I would hope that maybe in a few generations there will not need to be a time where people are ‘taught’ about LGBTQ+ in the same way we now are not ‘taught’ about heterosexuality. I think, to help to get to that place, primary schools could chose books or movies for the class to read/watch with an LGBTQ+ character in it. If they see LGBTQ+ in something normal (a TV or a book) it will become a normality as it is seen as much as heterosexuality is.


I think that it’s a good idea to bring it up! Teaching kids about romantic relationships doesn’t even need sex, but it can help kids who aren’t straight be more comfortable with that and realize that not being straight or cisgender is perfectly fine and acceptable.

It could actually be nice, but it would have to been done correctly, because it could spread misinformation otherwise :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


It’s not really taught in high school either tho :woman_shrugging:t5:
When I came out at like grade 10, the teacher asked me if I could make an explanation to the class about the whole gayness thing.
I didn’t do it obviously. Never make me stand in front of a class and speak
But it just made me realize how education systems don’t give even the slightest effort to explain that

I definitely think that primary schools should offer some kind of education about LGBTQ+ existing. It would have to be done well, with enforcement to prevent misinformation from spreading, but it could be very helpful. By teaching about the existence of LGBTQ+ people and relationships, it could become normalized and hopefully reduce a lot of stigma.


I think it’s a great idea.
It would definitely help me in the 5th grade when I discovered I liked girls.

I feel it’s ok to teach kids about this stuff.
It would help us be more aware.
And help us have a better understanding.

And I agree, it would definitely help me feel more happy about my feelings.

They should, but not make it a big deal out of it. I agree which what WhiteBlossom said. You shouldn’t treat it as a separate subject, but it should be taught. Especially transgenderism and non-binary identities. It could help kids figure out their gender a lot more easier.

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Bump ~

I don’t think sex-ed should be taught until fifth or sixth grade, but if it is taught, it shouldn’t be exclusive to heterosexual couples, other than when it comes to reproduction, of course. I think we should try integrating it into the curriculum and normalizing it instead of making it into its own separate thing ^^