School can be stressful for a lot of students and the schools themselves often don’t do anything to help reduce this. What do you think, should schools be responsible for at least partially reducing stress among their students?
Yes, something should exist…like an early morning tai chi and a post-lunch nap. And more access to counselors.
Recess. Or not even that, make the highschool lunches an hour where we can go out and come back when it’s time to go back to class. There’s no reason why I should have had only not even a half hour to eat my f*cking food.
Well, schools are responsible for part of the stress among students so why shouldn’t they be responsible for reducing it as well? It wouldn’t even be that difficult to make it less stressful and some school already do a good job at that.
I agree, students should be able to leave the school during lunch. Even if they don’t come back, their teachers take attendance anyways.
When i was in high school we were allowed to leave during lunch and i loved it, but then too many kids would come back high and were stealing from the local stores during lunch so they took open campus away.
We have a mindfulness room and do some meditation activities in my school. Not a lot participate, but some do.
That would be kinda cool
Wish that’s something we have here. If I was still in school and had this… You’d know where to find me
I think schools should have way more school counselors so that burden is not put on teachers as much. Not just people to figure out their classes, but people they can go to for mental health things… to refer them so they can receive better care if need be.
i mean, schools were originally built to churn out factory workers and just… haven’t caught up with the times. you only get half an hour food in the mines, so why no in school? lol, but i digress. you see schools in other countries where kids are given the opportunity to choose which part of each subject they want to study, in whaat order, in rooms that look more like a chill startup than a classroom, and you can see why they’re doing better than us in education.
i feel like one of the problems is that they just let anyone be a counsler, even if they suck at the job. at my school too, at least, barely anyone knew who the counslers were, because there were like seven based on grade level, last name, etc. and they were busy/absent half the time, so it was more of a hassle to try and see them.