Should schools cancel summer vacation?

First of all, no. No they shouldn’t, that’s just simply a sh*tty thing to do., especially to kids. Kids, teens, young adults, need the time off, they need some time to themselves. They are live kids with a consciousness and that should be enough to respect their space and the fact they only live once, that you shouldn’t strip time and force them to work and use their brain all the time just because you think education is soooo nessecary. In which it is, for a lot, but I’m pretty sure a vacation would not change their ability to do well when school starts over again.

Why WOULD you cancel summer vacation? Exactly?

Do you think schools should cancel summer vacation? Why or why not? @Discussions



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ᴀᴅᴅᴇᴅ ᴛᴀɢꜱ :maple_leaf:

No. End of discussion.

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Absolutely not. End of discussion.

aha NO
I’m sorry but this year has been horrible for me (bar coming here ofc love you guys loads)
Taking away summer holidays would be the last straw, and honestly I’d just take them of anyway. Actually I wouldn’t, but you get what I mean. I’d be laughing in the government’s face however when a bunch of teachers resign, and the students’ mental health would collectively plummet. We need the break, so that we can rest after a long, and difficult year.
If anything, taking away the holidays is like holding a drink of water out to an athlete after they’ve ran a marathon, before taking it away JUST before they reach the finish and telling them they have to do the whole thing again if they want a drink. They’ll either collapse, or they’ll find other, possibly dangerous or unhealthy or bad for their education ways to cope.


You’re totally right!
But some idiots think that there shouldn’t be any vacation. Why? Because we’ve been home and “haven’t been doing much work”. Bro, mental health matters. Periodt.

not at all, the past year has been incredibly difficult for the majority of students and taking away the only sign of rest would be the final nail in the coffin. luckily for me im cool and awesome and will be between gcses and a levels so i get to stop early :sunglasses: We do have to do an extra couple of weeks more than we normally would for some transitional minicourses, but still break up like a month before the rest of the school.

Unfortunately, I have to take a class again that I failed last semester. Just for a month, though.

Since we all seem to agree that taking away summer vacation is a bad idea, what prompted the query in the first place? Is there an ongoing movement to keep schools all year around? Even many of the teachers and staff I know wouldn’t want to teach all year around because it’s a vacation for them as well.


no, the british parliament were suggesting that because we missed so much school, we should makje kids keep going to school into the summer holidays so that we can catch up


Wait, what? I swear I’ve never heard of that as a serious note. We did miss much of school, but that’s why all the courses have been shortened, moved online, or the standardised tests changed up. There’s no way something like that is going to pass. The sheer amount of educators and students that would be affected, it’s not like this current class year suddenly loses their chance in life from a few weeks of cut content.


I don’t think they’re serious, at least not in the way that it’s being considered in actual law
Some politicians have suggested and debated it is all

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Yeah, I’ve always though of this matter as something that’s sorta up for discussion, but not actually a policy to concern over. Either way, I believe almost half of the country is cleared for the first vaccination. Should be good soon

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yes thank gods

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No way! Kids need a break from school sometimes! Summer break is the perfect opportunity for that!

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Who would even think of doing this? :flushed: Yeah yeah, education is important, it’s the way to success, blah blah but what is success when at the end you don’t know what to do because 1.) your situation during your school year was inconvenient and therefore you possibly didn’t learn anything that much 2.) your mental health is failing. Seriously, where’s the health department?

While adults are able to work non-stop through days of the year, students are still young people who are still learning of their responsibilities. Unless they want it by committing to extra hours of studying. It’s not like studying stops when you get off the school campus, anyway.

I truly hope this is a joke. Seems absurd, even though education departments can get extra, I guess, or maybe that’s just me trying to ignore the fact that we’re doomed.


no . school is so god damn stressful ive basically started taking a break already, cus i dont attend classes anymore lolol😟

I don’t have summer vacations but no lmfao

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No. We’re already ahead of the course plans for most of my classes thanks to online school, so what would we even do during that additional time?